# cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor

Command Editor Module.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • matches

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • CommandEditor

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • closeButton
  • command
  • commandDetail
  • commandGroups
  • commandList
  • commands
  • commandSet
  • control
  • keyboard
  • keyboardToggle
  • keyDetail
  • modifiers
  • option
  • save
  • search
  • shift
  • UI

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • app
  • doClose
  • doFindCommandID
  • doSave
  • doShow
  • hide
  • show

# API Documentation

# Functions

# matches

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.matches(element) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks to see if an element matches what we think it should be.
  • element - An axuielementObject to check.
  • true if matches otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 36

# Constructors

# CommandEditor

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor(app) -> CommandEditor
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new Command Editor object.
  • app - The cp.apple.finalcutpro object.
  • A new CommandEditor object.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 61

# Fields

# closeButton

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.closeButton <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The "Close" Button.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 227

# command

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.command <cp.ui.CheckBox>
Type Field
Description The "Command" CheckBox.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 254

# commandDetail

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.commandDetail <cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandDetail>
Type Field
Description The CommandDetail section.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 350

# commandGroups

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.commandGroups <cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandGroups>
Type Field
Description The CommandGroups.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 333

# commandList

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.commandList <cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandList>
Type Field
Description The CommandList.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 317

# commands

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.commands <cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.Commands>
Type Field
Description The Commands.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 326

# commandSet

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.commandSet <cp.ui.PopUpButton>
Type Field
Description The "Command Set" PopUpButton.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 236

# control

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.control <cp.ui.CheckBox>
Type Field
Description The "Control" CheckBox.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 281

# keyboard

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.keyboard <cp.ui.Group>
Type Field
Description The Group containing the keyboard shortcuts. Does not seem to expose the actual key buttons.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 308

# keyboardToggle

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.keyboardToggle <cp.ui.CheckBox>
Type Field
Description The "Keyboard Toggle" CheckBox (next to the Search field).
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 290

# keyDetail

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.keyDetail <cp.appple.finalcutpro.cmd.KeyDetail>
Type Field
Description The KeyDetail section.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 340

# modifiers

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.modifiers <cp.ui.Group>
Type Field
Description The Group containing 'modifier' checkboxes (Cmd, Shift, etc).
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 245

# option

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.option <cp.ui.CheckBox>
Type Field
Description The "Option" CheckBox.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 272

# save

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.save <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The "Save" Button.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 218

# search

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.search <cp.ui.TextField>
Type Field
Description The "Search" TextField.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 299

# shift

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.shift <cp.ui.CheckBox>
Type Field
Description The "Shift" CheckBox.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 263

# UI

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor.UI <cp.prop: axuielement; read-only>
Type Field
Description The axuielement for the window.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 71

# Methods

# app

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:app() -> App
Type Method
Description Returns the app instance representing Final Cut Pro.
  • None
  • App
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 84

# doClose

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:doClose() -> cp.rx.go.Statement <boolean>
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that triggers the Close button in the Command Editor.
  • None
  • The Statement, resolving to true if the button was found and pushed, otherwise false.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 203

# doFindCommandID

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:doFindCommandID(commandID, [highlight]) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will find the command with the given ID, revealing it at the top of the commands list.
  • commandID - The locale-neutral ID of the command to find. Eg. "NextEdit" (ID), not "Go To Next Edit" (English)
  • highlight - (optional) If true, the command will be highlighted in the list.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 383

# doSave

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:doSave() -> cp.rx.go.Statement <boolean>
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that triggers the Save button in the Command Editor.
  • None
  • The Statement, resolving to true if the button was found and pushed, otherwise false.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 190

# doShow

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:doShow() -> cp.rx.go.Statement <boolean>
Type Method
Description Creates a Statement that will attempt to hide the Command Editor, if FCPX is running. If the changes have not been saved, they will be lost.
  • None
  • The Statement, which will resolve to true if the CommandEditor is not showing or false if not.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 155

# hide

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:hide() -> cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor
Type Method
Description Hides the Command Editor.
  • None
  • The cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor object for method chaining.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 141

# show

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor:show() -> cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor
Type Method
Description Shows the Command Editor.
  • None
  • The cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor object for method chaining.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/cmd/CommandEditor.lua line 97