# cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles

Provides access to the 'Roles' section of the Timeline Index

# API Overview

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • activate
  • area
  • collapseSubroles
  • editRoles
  • hideAudioLanes
  • list
  • showAudioLanes

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • allRoles
  • audioRoles
  • captionRoles
  • doActivate
  • doCollapseSubroles
  • doDeactivate
  • doFocusInTimeline
  • doHideAudioLanes
  • doHideSubroleLanes
  • doLayout
  • doShowAudioLanes
  • doShowSubroleLanes
  • doUnfocusInTimeline
  • fineRoleTitled
  • saveLayout
  • videoRoles

# API Documentation

# Fields

# activate

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.activate <cp.ui.RadioButton>
Type Field
Description The RadioButton that activates the 'Roles' section.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 26

# area

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.area <cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRolesArea>
Type Field
Description The IndexRolesArea containing the list of Role.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 47

# collapseSubroles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.collapseSubroles <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The Collapse Subroles Button.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 94

# editRoles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.editRoles <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The Edit Roles... Button.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 65

# hideAudioLanes

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.hideAudioLanes <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The Hide Audio Lanes Button.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 85

# list

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.list <cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRolesList>
Type Field
Description The IndexRolesList for the roles.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 58

# showAudioLanes

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles.showAudioLanes <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The Show Audio Lanes Button.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 76

# Methods

# allRoles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:allRoles([includeSubroles]) -> table of Roles
Type Method
Description Finds all Roles, optionally including all Subroles
  • includeSubroles - (defaults to false) if true include subroles.
  • The table of Roles, or nil if no UI is available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 206

# audioRoles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:audioRoles([includeSubroles]) -> table of Roles
Type Method
Description Finds all Audio Roles, optionally including all Subroles
  • includeSubroles - (defaults to false) if true include subroles.
  • The table of Roles, or nil if no UI is available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 232

# captionRoles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:captionRoles([includeSubroles]) -> table of Roles
Type Method
Description Finds all Caption Roles, optionally including all Subroles
  • includeSubroles - (defaults to false) if true include subroles.
  • The table of Roles, or nil if no UI is available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 245

# doActivate

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doActivate(title) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will activate the provided role, if it is available. This will automatically show and hide the Index if it is not currently visible.
  • The title of the Role to activate.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Video", "Titles", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 274

# doCollapseSubroles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doCollapseSubroles() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description A Statement that will collapse subroles, if they are currently expanded.
  • None
  • A Statement
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 135

# doDeactivate

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doDeactivate(title) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will deactivate the provided role, if it is available. This will automatically show and hide the Index if it is not currently visible.
  • The title of the Role to activate.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Video", "Titles", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 294

# doFocusInTimeline

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doFocusInTimeline(title) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will focus the listed role, if it is available and is an AudioRole. This will automatically show and hide the Index if it is not currently visible.
  • The title of the Role to activate.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Dialogue", "Music", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 323

# doHideAudioLanes

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doHideAudioLanes() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description A Statement that will collapse subroles (if necessary) and hide the audio lanes.
  • None
  • A Statement
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 150

# doHideSubroleLanes

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doHideSubroleLanes(title) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will hide the subrole lanes for the listed role, if it is available and is an AudioRole. This will automatically show and hide the Index if it is not currently visible.
  • The title of the Role.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Dialogue", "Music", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 383

# doLayout

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doLayout(layout) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will apply the layout provided, if possible.
  • layout - the table containing the layout configuration. Usually created via the [#saveLayout] method.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 183

# doShowAudioLanes

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doShowAudioLanes() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description A Statement that will show the Audio Lanes when executed.
  • None
  • A Statement
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 120

# doShowSubroleLanes

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doShowSubroleLanes(title) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will show subrole lanes for the role, if it is available and is an AudioRole. This will automatically show and hide the Index if it is not currently visible.
  • The title of the Role.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Dialogue", "Music", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 363

# doUnfocusInTimeline

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:doUnfocusInTimeline(title) -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description Returns a Statement that will unfocus the listed role, if it is available and is an AudioRole. This will automatically show and hide the Index if it is not currently visible.
  • The title of the Role to activate.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Dialogue", "Music", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 343

# fineRoleTitled

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:fineRoleTitled(title) -> Role or nil
Type Method
Description Finds the Role with the specified title.
  • title - The title to match.
  • The Role with the title, or nil.
  • The title can be the English name (eg. "Video", "Titles", etc.) for default Roles, and it will find the correct role in the current FCPX language.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 258

# saveLayout

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:saveLayout() -> table
Type Method
Description Returns a table containing the layout configuration for this class.
  • None
  • The layout configuration table.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 166

# videoRoles

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles:videoRoles([includeSubroles]) -> table of Roles
Type Method
Description Finds all Video Roles, optionally including all Subroles
  • includeSubroles - (defaults to false) if true include subroles.
  • The table of Roles, or nil if no UI is available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexRoles.lua line 219