Core CommandPost functionality.
- cp.18n
- cp.adobe
- cp.app
- cp.apple
- cp.battery
- cp.bench
- cp.blackmagic
- cp.buffer
- cp.choices
- cp.collect
- cp.commands
- cp.config
- cp.console
- cp.deferred
- cp.delegator
- cp.dev
- cp.dialog
- cp.disk
- cp.docs
- cp.feedback
- cp.fn
- cp.highland2
- cp.i18n
- cp.idle
- cp.ids
- cp.interpolate
- cp.is
- cp.json
- cp.just
- cp.lazy
- cp.localized
- cp.nib
- cp.pattern
- cp.plist
- cp.plugins
- cp.prop
- cp.protect
- cp.result
- cp.rx
- cp.sourcewatcher
- cp.spec
- cp.strings
- cp.test
- cp.text
- cp.time
- cp.tools
- cp.ui
- cp.utf16
- cp.watcher
- cp.web
- cp.websocket
API Overview
Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension
imageBase64 init
Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor