# plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs

Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Control Surface Preferences Panel

# API Overview

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • changeBankOnHardwareWhenChangingHere
  • displayMessageWhenChangingBanks
  • lastDevice
  • lastExportPath
  • lastImportPath
  • lastUnit
  • pasteboard
  • snippetsRefreshFrequency

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • setItem

# API Documentation

# Fields

# changeBankOnHardwareWhenChangingHere

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.changeBankOnHardwareWhenChangingHere <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Field
Description Should we change bank on hardware when changing in preferences?
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 82

# displayMessageWhenChangingBanks

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.displayMessageWhenChangingBanks <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Field
Description Display a message when changing banks?
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/manager/init.lua line 121

# lastDevice

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.lastDevice <cp.prop: string>
Type Field
Description Last Device used in the Preferences Panel.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 67

# lastExportPath

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.lastExportPath <cp.prop: string>
Type Field
Description Last Export path.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 57

# lastImportPath

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.lastImportPath <cp.prop: string>
Type Field
Description Last Import path.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 62

# lastUnit

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.lastUnit <cp.prop: string>
Type Field
Description Last Unit used in the Preferences Panel.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 77

# pasteboard

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.pasteboard <cp.prop: table>
Type Field
Description Pasteboard
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 52

# snippetsRefreshFrequency

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.snippetsRefreshFrequency <cp.prop: string>
Type Field
Description How often snippets are refreshed.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/manager/init.lua line 126

# Methods

# setItem

Signature plugins.core.controlsurfaces.resolve.prefs.setItem(app, bank, button, key, [value]) -> none
Type Method
Description Update the Speed Editor layout file.
  • app - The application bundle ID as a string
  • bank - The bank ID as a string
  • button - The button ID as a string
  • key - The key as a string or a table if replacing the entire button contents
  • value - The optional value
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/controlsurfaces/resolve/prefs/init.lua line 486