# hs.network.reachability

This sub-module can be used to determine the reachability of a target host. A remote host is considered reachable when a data packet, sent by an application into the network stack, can leave the local device. Reachability does not guarantee that the data packet will actually be received by the host.

It is important to remember that this module works by determining if the computer has a route for network traffic bound to a specific destination. An active internet connection provides a default route for any network that the host is not a member of, so care must be used when testing for specific VPN or local networks to avoid false positives. Some examples follow:

This is a simple watcher which will be invoked whenever the computer's active internet connection changes state:

    hs.network.reachability.internet():setCallback(function(self, flags)
        if (flags & hs.network.reachability.flags.reachable) > 0 then
            -- a default route exists, so an active internet connection is present
            -- no default route exists, so no active internet connection is present

Note that when an active internet connection is up (reachable), any specific network test that does not include an address pair will be reachable, since internet reachability is defined as having a default route for all non-local networks.

A specific test for determining if an OpenVPN network is available. This example requires knowing what the local computer's IP address on the VPN network is (OpenVPN does not set the isDirect flag) and has been tested with Tunnelblick.

    hs.network.reachability.forAddress("10.x.y.z"):setCallback(function(self, flags)
        -- note that because having an internet connection at all will show the remote network
        -- as "reachable", we instead look at whether or not our specific address is "local" instead
        if (flags & hs.network.reachability.flags.isLocalAddress) > 0 then
            -- VPN tunnel is up
            -- VPN tunnel is down

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • flags

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • forAddress
  • forAddressPair
  • forHostName
  • internet
  • linkLocal

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • setCallback
  • start
  • status
  • statusString
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Constants

# flags

Signature hs.network.reachability.flags[]
Type Constant
Description A table containing the numeric value for the possible flags returned by the hs.network.reachability:status method or in the flags parameter of the callback function.
Notes None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 328

# Constructors

# forAddress

Signature hs.network.reachability.forAddress(address) -> reachabilityObject
Type Constructor
Description Returns a reachability object for the specified network address.
  • address - a string or number representing an IPv4 or IPv6 network address to get or track reachability status for. If the argument is a number, it is treated as the 32 bit numerical representation of an IPv4 address.
  • a reachability object for the specified network address.
  • this object will reflect reachability status for any interface available on the computer. To check for reachability from a specific interface, use hs.network.reachability.forAddressPair.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 74

# forAddressPair

Signature hs.network.reachability.forAddressPair(localAddress, remoteAddress) -> reachabilityObject
Type Constructor
Description Returns a reachability object for the specified network address from the specified localAddress.
  • localAddress - a string or number representing a local IPv4 or IPv6 network address. If the address specified is not present on the computer, the remote address will be unreachable.
  • remoteAddress - a string or number representing an IPv4 or IPv6 network address to get or track reachability status for. If the argument is a number, it is treated as the 32 bit numerical representation of an IPv4 address.
  • a reachability object for the specified network address.
  • this object will reflect reachability status for a specific interface on the computer. To check for reachability from any interface, use hs.network.reachability.forAddress.
  • this constructor can be used to test for a specific local network.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 105

# forHostName

Signature hs.network.reachability.forHostName(hostName) -> reachabilityObject
Type Constructor
Description Returns a reachability object for the specified host.
  • hostName - a string containing the hostname of a machine to check or track the reachability status for.
  • a reachability object for the specified host.
  • this object will reflect reachability status for any interface available on the computer.
  • this constructor relies on the hostname being resolvable, possibly through DNS, Bonjour, locally defined, etc.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 150

# internet

Signature hs.network.reachability.internet() -> reachabilityObject
Type Constructor
Description Creates a reachability object for testing internet access
  • None
  • a reachability object
  • This is equivalent to hs.network.reachability.forAddress("")
  • This constructor assumes that a default route for IPv4 traffic is sufficient to determine internet access. If you are on an IPv6 only network which does not also provide IPv4 route mapping, you should probably use something along the lines of hs.network.reachability.forAddress("::") instead.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/network_reachability.lua line 45

# linkLocal

Signature hs.network.reachability.linkLocal() -> reachabilityObject
Type Constructor
Description Creates a reachability object for testing IPv4 link local networking
  • None
  • a reachability object
  • This is equivalent to hs.network.reachability.forAddress("")
  • You can use this to determine if any interface has an IPv4 link local address (i.e. zero conf or local only networking) by checking the "isDirect" flag:
  • hs.network.reachability.linklocal():status() & hs.network.reachability.flags.isDirect
  • If the internet is reachable, then this network will also be reachable by default -- use the isDirect flag to ensure that the route is local.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/network_reachability.lua line 63

# Methods

# setCallback

Signature hs.network.reachability:setCallback(function) -> reachabilityObject
Type Method
Description Set or remove the callback function for a reachability object
  • a function or nil to set or remove the reachability object callback function
  • the reachability object
  • The callback function will be invoked each time the status for the given reachability object changes. The callback function should expect 2 arguments, the reachability object itself and a numeric representation of the reachability flags, and should not return anything.
  • This method just sets the callback function. You can start or stop the watcher with hs.network.reachability:start or hs.network.reachability:stop
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 237

# start

Signature hs.network.reachability:start() -> reachabilityObject
Type Method
Description Starts watching the reachability object for changes and invokes the callback function (if any) when a change occurs.
  • None
  • the reachability object
  • The callback function should be specified with hs.network.reachability:setCallback.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 272

# status

Signature hs.network.reachability:status() -> number
Type Method
Description Returns the reachability status for the object
  • None
  • a numeric representation of the reachability status
  • The numeric representation is made up from a combination of the flags defined in hs.network.reachability.flags.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 176

# statusString

Signature hs.network.reachability:statusString() -> string
Type Method
Description Returns a string representation of the reachability status for the object
  • None
  • a string representation of the reachability status for the object
  • This is included primarily for debugging, but may be more useful when you just want a quick look at the reachability status for display or testing.
  • The string will be made up of the following flags:
  • 't'
'-' indicates if the destination is reachable through a transient connection
  • 'R'
  • '-' indicates if the destination is reachable
  • 'c'
  • '-' indicates that a connection of some sort is required for the destination to be reachable
  • 'C'
  • '-' indicates if the destination requires a connection which will be initiated when traffic to the destination is present
  • 'i'
  • '-' indicates if the destination requires a connection which will require user activity to initiate
  • 'D'
  • '-' indicates if the destination requires a connection which will be initiated on demand through the CFSocketStream interface
  • 'l'
  • '-' indicates if the destination is actually a local address
  • 'd'
  • '-' indicates if the destination is directly connected
    Examples None
    Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 202

    # stop

    Signature hs.network.reachability:stop() -> reachabilityObject
    Type Method
    Description Stops watching the reachability object for changes.
    • None
    • the reachability object
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source extensions/network/libnetwork_reachability.m line 306