# cp.ui.OldOutline

Represents an AXOutline axuielement.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • matches

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • OldOutline

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • childrenUI
  • columns
  • columnsUI
  • createColumn
  • createRow
  • fetchColumn
  • fetchRow
  • fetchRows
  • filterRows
  • rows
  • rowsUI

# API Documentation

# Functions

# matches

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline.matches(element) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the element is an Outline.
  • element - An element to check
  • A boolean
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 89

# Constructors

# OldOutline

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline(parent, uiFinder) -> cp.ui.OldOutline
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new Outline with the specified parent and uiFinder.
  • parent - The parent instance.
  • uiFinder - A function or a cp.prop which will return the AXOutline axuielement.
  • The new Outline instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 102

# Methods

# childrenUI

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:childrenUI() -> table
Type Method
Description Provides a table containing the axuielements which are children of the outline.
  • None
  • A table
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 118

# columns

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:columns() -> table of cp.ui.Columns
Type Method
Description Returns the list of Columns in this Outline.
  • None
  • A table
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 162

# columnsUI

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:columnsUI() -> table
Type Method
Description Provides a table containing the axuielements which are columns of the outline.
  • None
  • A Table
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 131

# createColumn

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:createColumn(columnUI) -> cp.ui.OldColumn
Type Method
Description Attempts to create a new Column with the provided columnUI axuielement. If there is a problem, an error is thrown.
  • columnUI - the AXColumn axuielement to create a Column for.
  • The Column or an error if a problem occurred.
  • Subclasses which want to provide a custom Column implementation should override this method.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 144

# createRow

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:createRow(rowUI) -> cp.ui.OldRow
Type Method
Description Attempts to create a new Row with the provided rowUI axuielement. If there is a problem, an error is thrown.
  • rowUI - the AXRow axuielement to create a Row for.
  • The Row or an error if a problem occurred.
  • Subclasses which want to provide a custom Row implementation should override this method.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 218

# fetchColumn

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:fetchColumn(columnsUI) -> table of cp.ui.Columns
Type Method
Description Returns a table of the same length as columnsUI.
  • columnsUI - The list of AXColumn axuielements to find.
  • A table with the same number of elements, containing the matching Column instances.
  • If provided items in the table are not valid columns in this table, then nil will be put in the matching index.
  • Note that this will break the standard #/looping behaviour for tables at that point.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 188

# fetchRow

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:fetchRow(rowUI) -> cp.ui.OldRow or nil
Type Method
Description Returns the Row that represents the provided rowUI, if it is actually present in the Outline.
  • rowUI - The axuielement for the AXRow to find a Row for.
  • The Row, or nil if the rowUI is not in this Outline.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 248

# fetchRows

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:fetchRows(rowsUI) -> table of cp.ui.OldRows
Type Method
Description Returns a table of the same length as rowsUI.
  • rowsUI - The list of AXRow axuielements to find.
  • A table with the same number of elements, containing the matching Row instances.
  • If provided items in the table are not valid rows in this table, then nil will be put in the matching index.
  • Note that this will break the standard #/looping behaviour for tables at that point.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 261

# filterRows

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:filterRows(matcherFn) -> table of cp.ui.OldRows or nil
Type Method
Description Returns a table only containing Rows which pass the predicate matcherFn. The function is passed the row and returns a boolean.
  • matcherFn - the function that will accept a Row and return a boolean.
  • A table of Rows, or nil if no UI is currently available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 278

# rows

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:rows() -> table of cp.ui.OldRow or nil
Type Method
Description Provides a table with the list of cp.ui.OldRow elements for the rows.
  • None
  • A table containing the list of Rows in the Outline, or nil if the Outline is not presently available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 235

# rowsUI

Signature cp.ui.OldOutline:rowsUI() -> table of axuielement
Type Method
Description Provides a table containing the axuielements which are rows in the outline.
  • None
  • A table
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/OldOutline.lua line 205