# cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.destinations

Provides access to the list of Share Destinations configured for the user.

# UPDATE (11th JUNE 2021):

It seems that as of FCPX 10.5.x, the UserDestinations file can go up to version 5 (i.e. com.apple.FinalCut.UserDestinations5.plist). I've left the original explanation below for future reference, as it goes into more detail as to exactly what's happening.



...doesn't exist, then Final Cut Pro will use:

/Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/Resources/DefaultDestinations.plist

...followed by any 3rd party applications such as:

~/Library/Application Support/ProApps/Share Destinations/Vimeo (advanced).fcpxdest /Library/Application Support/ProApps/Share Destinations/Xsend Motion.fcpxdest

However, when you close Final Cut Pro, or if you open and close the destinations preferences window, a new file will be created:


Also, if, for example, you delete the Xsend Motion destination in the Final Cut Pro user interface, or rename the DVD preset to something else, then it will automatically create a new Preferences file:


It seems that as of FCPX 10.4.6, Final Cut Pro ignores the:


...file (it must be considered legacy). However, if this file exists:


It will read that file, along with any third party applications such as:

~/Application Support/ProApps/Share Destinations/Vimeo (advanced).fcpxdest /Library/Application Support/ProApps/Share Destinations/Xsend Motion.fcpxdest

However, again, if you close Final Cut Pro, or open and close the destinations preferences window, a new file will be created, migrating the data from UserDestinations2:


Long story short, in MOST cases, UserDestinations3.plist will be single source of destinations, however, if this file doesn't exist, then UserDestinations2.plist will be used, and if this file doesn't exist, then it will read the default values from DefaultDestinations.plist, along with any third party share destinations.

Fun fact: even if you delete third party applications such as "Vimeo (advanced)", and "Xsend Motion" from your Final Cut Pro destinations preferences, they'll come back after you restart FCPX.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • indexOf
  • names

# API Documentation

# Functions

# indexOf

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.destinations.indexOf(name) -> number
Type Function
Description Returns the index of the Destination with the specified name, or nil if not found.
  • name - The name of the Destination
  • The index of the named Destination, or nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/export/destinations.lua line 253

# names

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.destinations.names() -> table | nil, string
Type Function
Description Returns an array of the names of destinations, in their current order.
  • None
  • The table of Share Destination names, or nil if an error has occurred.
  • An error message as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/export/destinations.lua line 138