# hs.audiodevice.watcher

Watch for system level audio hardware events

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • isRunning
  • setCallback
  • start
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Functions

# isRunning

Signature hs.audiodevice.watcher.isRunning() -> boolean
Type Function
Description Gets the status of the audio device watcher
  • None
  • A boolean, true if the watcher is running, false if not
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/audiodevice/libaudiodevice_watcher.m line 198

# setCallback

Signature hs.audiodevice.watcher.setCallback(fn)
Type Function
Description Sets the callback function for the audio device watcher
  • fn - A callback function, or nil to remove a previously set callback. The callback function should accept a single argument (see Notes below)
  • None
  • This watcher will call the callback when various audio device related events occur (e.g. an audio device appears/disappears, a system default audio device setting changes, etc)
  • To watch for changes within an audio device, see hs.audiodevice:newWatcher()
  • The callback function argument is a string which may be one of the following strings, but might also be a different string entirely:
  • dIn - Default audio input device setting changed (Note that there is a space character after dIn, because these values always have to be four characters long)
  • dOut - Default audio output device setting changed
  • sOut - Default system audio output setting changed (i.e. the device that system sound effects use. This may also be triggered by dOut, depending on the user's settings)
  • dev# - An audio device appeared or disappeared
  • The callback will be called for each individual audio device event received from the OS, so you may receive multiple events for a single physical action (e.g. unplugging the default audio device will cause dOut and dev# events, and possibly sOut too)
  • Passing nil will cause the watcher to stop if it is already running
Examples None
Source extensions/audiodevice/libaudiodevice_watcher.m line 77

# start

Signature hs.audiodevice.watcher.start()
Type Function
Description Starts the audio device watcher
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/audiodevice/libaudiodevice_watcher.m line 128

# stop

Signature hs.audiodevice.watcher.stop() -> hs.audiodevice.watcher
Type Function
Description Stops the audio device watcher
  • None
  • The hs.audiodevice.watcher object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/audiodevice/libaudiodevice_watcher.m line 166