# hs.utf8

Functions providing basic support for UTF-8 encodings

Prior to upgrading Hammerspoon's Lua interpreter to 5.3, UTF8 support was provided by including the then beta version of Lua 5.3's utf8 library as a Hammerspoon module. This is no longer necessary, but to maintain compatibility, the Lua utf8 library can still be accessed through hs.utf8. The documentation for the utf8 library can be found at http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/ or from the Hammerspoon console via the help command: help.lua.utf8. This affects the following functions and variables:

  • hs.utf8.char - help available via help.lua.utf8.char
  • hs.utf8.charPattern - help available via help.lua.utf8.charpattern
  • hs.utf8.codepoint - help available via help.lua.utf8.codepoint
  • hs.utf8.codes - help available via help.lua.utf8.codes
  • hs.utf8.len - help available via help.lua.utf8.len
  • hs.utf8.offset - help available via help.lua.utf8.offset

Additional functions that are specific to Hammerspoon which provide expanded support for UTF8 are documented here.

# API Overview

Variables - Configurable values

  • registeredKeys

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • asciiOnly
  • codepointToUTF8
  • fixUTF8
  • hexDump
  • registerCodepoint
  • registeredLabels

# API Documentation

# Variables

# registeredKeys

Signature hs.utf8.registeredKeys[]
Type Variable
Description A collection of UTF-8 characters already converted from codepoint and available as convenient key-value pairs. UTF-8 printable versions of common Apple and OS X special keys are predefined and others can be added with hs.utf8.registerCodepoint(label, codepoint) for your own use.
  • This table has a __tostring() metamethod which allows listing it's contents in the Hammerspoon console by typing hs.utf8.registeredKeys.
  • For parity with hs.utf8.registeredLabels, this can also invoked as a function, i.e. hs.utf8.registeredKeys["cmd"] is equivalent to hs.utf8.registeredKeys("cmd")
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 188

# Functions

# asciiOnly

Signature hs.utf8.asciiOnly(string[, all]) -> string
Type Function
Description Returns the provided string with all non-printable ascii characters escaped, except Return, Linefeed, and Tab.
  • string - The input string which is to have all non-printable ascii characters escaped as \x## (a single byte hexadecimal number).
  • all - an optional boolean parameter (default false) indicating whether or not Return, Linefeed, and Tab should also be considered "non-printable"
  • The cleaned up string, with non-printable characters escaped.
  • Because Unicode characters outside of the basic ascii alphabet are multi-byte characters, any UTF8 or other Unicode encoded character will be broken up into their individual bytes and likely escaped by this function.
  • This function is useful for displaying binary data in a human readable way that might otherwise be inexpressible in the Hammerspoon console or other destination. For example:
  • utf8.charpattern, which contains the regular expression for matching valid UTF8 encoded sequences, results in (null) in the Hammerspoon console, but hs.utf8.asciiOnly(utf8.charpattern) will display [\x00-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]*.
Examples None
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 296

# codepointToUTF8

Signature hs.utf8.codepointToUTF8(...) -> string
Type Function
Description Wrapper to utf8.char(...) which ensures that all codepoints return valid UTF8 characters.
  • codepoints - A series of numeric Unicode code points to be converted to a UTF-8 byte sequences. If a codepoint is a string (and does not start with U+, it is used as a key for lookup in hs.utf8.registeredKeys[]
  • A string containing the UTF-8 byte sequences corresponding to provided codepoints as a combined string.
  • Valid codepoint values are from 0x0000 - 0x10FFFF (0 - 1114111)
  • If the codepoint provided is a string that starts with U+, then the 'U+' is converted to a '0x' so that lua can properly treat the value as numeric.
  • Invalid codepoints are returned as the Unicode Replacement Character (U+FFFD)
  • This includes out of range codepoints as well as the Unicode Surrogate codepoints (U+D800 - U+DFFF)
Examples None
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 72

# fixUTF8

Signature hs.utf8.fixUTF8(inString[, replacementChar]) -> outString, posTable
Type Function
Description Replace invalid UTF8 character sequences in inString with replacementChar so it can be safely displayed in the console or other destination which requires valid UTF8 encoding.
  • inString - String of characters which may contain invalid UTF8 byte sequences
  • replacementChar - optional parameter to replace invalid byte sequences in inString. If this parameter is not provided, the default UTF8 replacement character, U+FFFD, is used.
  • outString - The contents of inString with all invalid UTF8 byte sequences replaced by the replacementChar.
  • posTable - a table of indexes in outString corresponding indicating where replacementChar has been used.
  • This function is a slight modification to code found at http://notebook.kulchenko.com/programming/fixing-malformed-utf8-in-lua.
  • If replacementChar is a multi-byte character (like U+FFFD) or multi character string, then the string length of outString will be longer than the string length of inString. The character positions in posTable will reflect these new positions in outString.
  • To calculate the character position of the invalid characters in inString, use something like the following:
  • outString, outErrors = hs.utf8.fixUTF8(inString, replacement)
  • inErrors =
  • for i,p in ipairs(outErrors) do
  • table.insert(inErrors, p - ((i - 1)string.length(replacement) - 1))
  • end
  • Where replacement is utf8.char(0xFFFD), if you leave it out of the hs.utf8.fixUTF8 function in the first line.
Examples None
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 121

# hexDump

Signature hs.utf8.hexDump(inputString [, count]) -> string
Type Function
Description Returns a hex dump of the provided string. This is primarily useful for examining the exact makeup of binary data contained in a Lua String as individual bytes for debugging purposes.
  • inputString - the data to be rendered as individual hexadecimal bytes for examination.
  • count - an optional parameter specifying the number of bytes to display per line (default 16)
  • a string containing the hex dump of the input string.
  • Like hs.utf8.asciiOnly, this function will break up Unicode characters into their individual bytes.
  • As an example:
  • hs.utf8.hexDump(utf8.charpattern) will return
  • 00 : 5B 00 2D 7F C2 2D F4 5D 5B 80 2D BF 5D 2A : [.-..-.][.-.]*
Examples None
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 328

# registerCodepoint

Signature hs.utf8.registerCodepoint(label, codepoint) -> string
Type Function
Description Registers a Unicode codepoint under the given label as a UTF-8 string of bytes which can be referenced by the label later in your code as hs.utf8.registeredKeys[label] for convenience and readability.
  • label - a string label to use as a human-readable reference when getting the UTF-8 byte sequence for use in other strings and output functions.
  • codepoint - a Unicode codepoint in numeric or U+xxxx format to register with the given label.
  • Returns the UTF-8 byte sequence for the Unicode codepoint registered.
  • If a codepoint label was previously registered, this will overwrite the previous value with a new one. Because many of the special keys you may want to register have different variants, this allows you to easily modify the existing predefined defaults to suite your preferences.
  • The return value is merely syntactic sugar and you do not need to save it locally; it can be safely ignored -- future access to the pre-converted codepoint should be retrieved as hs.utf8.registeredKeys[label] in your code. It looks good when invoked from the console, though ☺.
Examples None
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 169

# registeredLabels

Signature hs.utf8.registeredLabels(utf8char) -> string
Type Function
Description Returns the label name for a UTF8 character, as it is registered in hs.utf8.registeredKeys[].
  • utf8char -- the character to lookup in hs.utf8.registeredKeys[]
  • The string label for the UTF8 character or a string in the format of "U+XXXX", if it is not defined in hs.utf8.registeredKeys[], or nil, if utf8char is not a valid UTF8 character.
  • For parity with hs.utf8.registeredKeys, this can also be invoked as if it were an array: i.e. hs.utf8.registeredLabels(char) is equivalent to hs.utf8.registeredLabels[char]
Examples None
Source extensions/utf8/utf8.lua line 46