# hs.appfinder

Easily find hs.application and hs.window objects

This module is deprecated; you can use hs.window.find(), hs.window.get(), hs.application.find(), hs.application.get(), hs.application:findWindow() and hs.application:getWindow() instead.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • appFromName
  • appFromWindowTitle
  • appFromWindowTitlePattern
  • windowFromWindowTitle
  • windowFromWindowTitlePattern

# API Documentation

# Functions

# appFromName

Signature hs.appfinder.appFromName(name) -> app or nil
Type Function
Description Finds an application by its name (e.g. "Safari")
  • name - A string containing the name of the application to search for
  • An hs.application object if one can be found, otherwise nil
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/appfinder/appfinder.lua line 12

# appFromWindowTitle

Signature hs.appfinder.appFromWindowTitle(title) -> app or nil
Type Function
Description Finds an application by its window title (e.g. "Activity Monitor (All Processes)")
  • title - A string containing a window title of the application to search for
  • An hs.application object if one can be found, otherwise nil
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/appfinder/appfinder.lua line 23

# appFromWindowTitlePattern

Signature hs.appfinder.appFromWindowTitlePattern(pattern) -> app or nil
Type Function
Description Finds an application by Lua pattern in its window title (e.g."Inbox %(%d+ messages.*)")
  • pattern - a Lua pattern describing a window title of the application to search for
  • An hs.application object if one can be found, otherwise nil
Examples None
Source extensions/appfinder/appfinder.lua line 36

# windowFromWindowTitle

Signature hs.appfinder.windowFromWindowTitle(title) -> win or nil
Type Function
Description Finds a window by its title (e.g. "Activity Monitor (All Processes)")
  • title - A string containing the title of the window to search for
  • An hs.window object if one can be found, otherwise nil
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/appfinder/appfinder.lua line 52

# windowFromWindowTitlePattern

Signature hs.appfinder.windowFromWindowTitlePattern(pattern) -> app or nil
Type Function
Description Finds a window by Lua pattern in its title (e.g."Inbox %(%d+ messages.*)")
  • pattern - a Lua pattern describing a window title of the window to search for
  • An hs.window object if one can be found, otherwise nil
Examples None
Source extensions/appfinder/appfinder.lua line 63