# plugins.finalcutpro.fullscreen.shortcuts

Fullscreen Shortcuts

# API Overview

Variables - Configurable values

  • enabled

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • checkCommand
  • ninjaKeyStroke
  • performCommand
  • update

# API Documentation

# Variables

# enabled

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.fullscreen.shortcuts.enabled <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Variable
Description Is the module enabled?
Notes None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/fullscreen/shortcuts.lua line 61

# Functions

# checkCommand

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.fullscreen.shortcuts.checkCommand(whichModifier, whichKey) -> none
Type Function
Description Checks to see if a shortcut has been pressed, then processes.
  • whichModifier - Which modifier key to check.
  • whichKey - Which key to check.
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/fullscreen/shortcuts.lua line 156

# ninjaKeyStroke

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.fullscreen.shortcuts.ninjaKeyStroke(whichModifier, whichKey) -> none
Type Function
Description Performs a Ninja Key Stoke.
  • whichModifier - Modifier Key
  • whichKey - Key
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/fullscreen/shortcuts.lua line 105

# performCommand

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.fullscreen.shortcuts.performCommand(cmd, whichModifier, whichKey) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Performs a command.
  • cmd - The Command.
  • whichModifier - Which modifier key to check.
  • whichKey - Which key to check.
  • true if successful otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/fullscreen/shortcuts.lua line 132

# update

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.fullscreen.shortcuts.update() -> none
Type Function
Description Toggles the watches for monitoring fullscreen playback.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/fullscreen/shortcuts.lua line 34