# plugins.finalcutpro.timeline.playhead

Manages features relating to the Timeline Playhead.

# API Overview

Variables - Configurable values

  • alwaysCentered
  • scrollingTimeline
  • tracking

# API Documentation

# Variables

# alwaysCentered

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.timeline.playhead.alwaysCentered <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Variable
Description If true, the playhead will be centered in the view while scrolling.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/timeline/playhead.lua line 71

# scrollingTimeline

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.timeline.playhead.scrollingTimeline <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Variable
Description Enables or disables the scrolling timeline.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/timeline/playhead.lua line 57

# tracking

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.timeline.playhead.tracking <cp.prop: boolean; read-only; live>
Type Variable
Description If true, we are tracking the playhead position.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/timeline/playhead.lua line 76