# cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection

An abstract base class for sections inside the Index. This contains common methods and other definitions that apply for all sections.

This will generally not be created directly, but will be created via subclass such as IndexClips.

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • IndexSection

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • activate
  • index
  • isShowing
  • search
  • UI

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • app
  • doActivateSearch
  • doShow
  • parent

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# IndexSection

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection(index) -> IndexSection
Type Constructor
Description Creates the IndexSection instance.
  • index - The Index instance.
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 18

    # Fields

    # activate

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection.activate <cp.ui.RadioButton>
    Type Field
    Description The RadioButton that activates the section.
    • Must be overridden in subclasses to provide the actual RadioButton.
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 65

    # index

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection.index <cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Index>
    Type Field
    Description The parent Index.
    Notes None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 26

    # isShowing

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection.isShowing <cp.prop: boolean; read-only; live?>
    Type Field
    Description Indicates if the section is currently showing.
    Notes None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 84

    # search

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection.search <cp.ui.SearchField>
    Type Field
    Description The shared SearchField for the Index
    Notes None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 58

    # UI

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection.UI <cp.prop: axuielement; read-only; live?>
    Type Field
    Description The axuielement that represents the item.
    Notes None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 75

    # Methods

    # app

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection:app() -> cp.apple.finalcutpro
    Type Method
    Description The Final Cut Pro instance.
    • None
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 45

    # doActivateSearch

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection:doActivateSearch() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
    Type Method
    Description Returns a Statement that will show the Clips in the Timeline Index and focus on the Search field.
    • None
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 113

    # doShow

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection:doShow() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
    Type Method
    Description A Statement that will show the Clips section in the Timeline Index, if possible.
    • None
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 92

    # parent

    Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection:parent() -> cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Index
    Type Method
    Description The parent index.
    • None
    • The parent index.
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/IndexSection.lua line 32