# plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection

Represents a Tangent Connection.

# API Overview

Variables - Configurable values

  • connections

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • connection

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • addMode
  • applicationName
  • device
  • displayName
  • getControlsXML
  • getMode
  • pluginPath
  • setupTangentConnection
  • systemPath
  • task
  • update
  • updateControls
  • updateFavourites
  • userPath
  • writeControlsXML

# API Documentation

# Variables

# connections

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connections -> table
Type Variable
Description A table containing all the Tangent connections.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 66

# Constructors

# connection

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection(applicationName, displayName, systemPath, userPath, task, pluginPath, addDefaultModes, setupFn, transportFn, manager) -> Connection object
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new Connection object.
  • applicationName - The application name as a string. This is what appears in Tangent Mapper.
  • displayName - The application display name as a string. This is what appears in CommandPost.
  • systemPath - A string containing the absolute path of the directory that contains the Controls and Default Map XML files.
  • userPath - An optional string containing the absolute path of the directory that contains the User’s Default Map XML files.
  • task - An optional string containing the name of the task associated with the application.
  • pluginPath - A string containing the absolute path of the directory that contains the built-in Default Map XML files.
  • addDefaultModes - A boolean which indicates whether or not CommandPost should add any default modes.
  • setupFn - Setup function.
  • transportFn - Transport function.
  • manager - The Tangent Manager module
  • A new Connection object.
  • Notes for the task parameter:
  • ** This is used to assist with automatic switching of panels when your application gains mouse focus on the GUI.
  • ** This parameter should only be required if the string passed in appStr does not match the Task name that the OS identifies as your application. Typically, this is only usually required for Plugins which run within a parent Host application. Under these circumstances it is the name of the Host Application’s Task which should be passed.
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 490

# Methods

# addMode

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:addMode(id, name) -> plugins.core.tangent.manager.mode
Type Method
Description Adds a new mode with the specified details and returns it.
  • id - The id number of the Mode.
  • name - The name of the Mode.
  • The new mode
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 431

# applicationName

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:applicationName() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Gets the application name.
  • None
  • The application name as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 379

# device

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:device() -> hs.tangent
Type Method
Description Gets the hs.tangent object for the connnection.
  • None
  • A hs.tangent object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 710

# displayName

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:displayName() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the display name for the connnection.
  • None
  • A string
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 723

# getControlsXML

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:getControlsXML() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the controls XML.
  • None
  • The XML controls
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 314

# getMode

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:getMode(id) -> plugins.core.tangent.manager.mode
Type Method
Description Returns the mode with the specified ID, or nil.
  • id - The ID to find.
  • The mode, or nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 448

# pluginPath

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:pluginPath() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Gets the plugin path.
  • None
  • The plugin path as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 418

# setupTangentConnection

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:setupTangentConnection() -> hs.tangent
Type Method
Description Sets up a new Tangent Connection.
  • None
  • A hs.tangent object.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 47

# systemPath

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:systemPath() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Gets the system path.
  • None
  • The system path as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 366

# task

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:task() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Gets the task.
  • None
  • The task as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 405

# update

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:update() -> none
Type Method
Description Updates the Tangent GUIs.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 692

# updateControls

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:updateControls() -> none
Type Method
Description Update Controls.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 466

# updateFavourites

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:updateFavourites() -> boolean, string
Type Method
Description Updates the Favourites.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 221

# userPath

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:userPath() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Gets the user path.
  • None
  • The user path as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 392

# writeControlsXML

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.connection:writeControlsXML() -> boolean, string
Type Method
Description Writes the Tangent controls.xml File to the User's Application Support folder.
  • None
  • true if successfully created otherwise false if an error occurred.
  • If an error occurs an error message will also be returned as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/connection.lua line 266