# cp.ui.PropertyRow

Represents a single property row, typically in a Property Inspector.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • intersectBuffer

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • isParent
  • matches
  • parentUIFinder
  • prepareParent

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • PropertyRow

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • label
  • labelUI
  • propertiesUI
  • reset
  • UI

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • app
  • children
  • doHide
  • doShow
  • extend
  • hide
  • labelKeys
  • parent
  • show

# API Documentation

# Constants

# intersectBuffer

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.intersectBuffer
Type Constant
Description Defines the buffer for intersections with the labelUI.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 37

# Functions

# isParent

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.isParent(parent) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the parent has been prepared via prepareParent.
  • None
  • true if the parent is prepared.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 84

# matches

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.matches(element) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the provided axuielement could be a property row.
  • element - The element to check.
  • true if the element could be a property row.
  • This does not guarantee that it is a property row element, just that it could be.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 97

# parentUIFinder

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.parentUIFinder(parent) -> cp.prop
Type Function
Description Returns the cp.prop which finds the hs.axuielement that contains property rows from the parent. This needs to be configured first by calling the prepareParent function with the parent and finder function.
  • parent - The parent which has a finder assigned.
  • The cp.prop which provides access to the finder, or nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 42

# prepareParent

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.prepareParent(parent, uiFinder) -> none
Type Function
Description Call this to make parent table ready to be a parent of PropertyRows. Essentially, this lets PropertyRow instances ask the parent for the hs.axuielement that contains the property row details.
  • parent - The parent table.
  • uiFinder - The function or cp.prop which will be called to find the parent UI element. Functions will be passed the parent when being executed.
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 55

# Constructors

# PropertyRow

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow(parent, labelKey[, index]) -> cp.ui.PropertyRow
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new PropertyRow with the specified parent and label key.
  • parent - The parent object.
  • labelKey - The key of the label that the row will map to.
  • index - The row number with the same label to get. Defaults to 1.
  • The new PropertyRow instance.
  • If you have more than one row with the same label, specify the index - specifying 2 will match with the second instance, for example.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 113

# Fields

# label

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.label <cp.prop: string; read-only>
Type Field
Description The label of the property row, in the current langauge.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 191

# labelUI

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.labelUI <cp.prop: hs.axuielement; read-only>
Type Field
Description Returns the axuielement for the label UI.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 133

# propertiesUI

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.propertiesUI <cp.prop: hs.axuielement; read-only>
Type Field
Description The axuielement from the parent that contains the properties.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 184

# reset

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.reset <cp.ui.Button>
Type Field
Description The reset button for the row, which may or may not actually exist.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 208

# UI

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow.UI <cp.prop: hs.axuielement; read-only>
Type Field
Description Returns the axuielement for the row.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 150

# Methods

# app

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:app() -> App
Type Method
Description Returns the app instance.
  • None
  • App
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 236

# children

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:children() -> table | nil
Type Method
Description Gets a table of children for the Property Row.
  • None
  • A table of children or nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 319

# doHide

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:doHide() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description A Statement that will attempt to hide the PropertyRow.
  • None
  • The Statement.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 293

# doShow

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:doShow() -> cp.rx.go.Statement
Type Method
Description A Statement that shows the PropertyRow.
  • None
  • self
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 263

# extend

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:extend(extendFn) -> cp.ui.PropertyRow
Type Method
Description This method will call the provided function, passing it the current PropertyRow. This can be used to add addtional tweaks to the row, such as adding custom Elements.
  • extendFn - A function that will be passed the current row.
  • The same PropertyRow instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 169

# hide

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:hide() -> self
Type Method
Description Hides the PropertyRow.
  • None
  • self
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 276

# labelKeys

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:labelKeys() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the key of the label that the row will map to.
  • None
  • string
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 306

# parent

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:parent() -> parent
Type Method
Description Returns the parent object.
  • None
  • parent
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 223

# show

Signature cp.ui.PropertyRow:show() -> self
Type Method
Description Shows the PropertyRow.
  • None
  • self
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/PropertyRow.lua line 249