Provides access to the system color lists and a wider variety of ways to represent color within Hammerspoon.
Color is represented within Hammerspoon as a table containing keys which tell Hammerspoon how the color is specified. You can specify a color in one of the following ways, depending upon the keys you supply within the table:
As a combination of Red, Green, and Blue elements (RGB Color):
- red - the red component of the color specified as a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
- green - the green component of the color specified as a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
- blue - the blue component of the color specified as a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
- alpha - the color transparency from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (completely opaque)
As a combination of Hue, Saturation, and Brightness (HSB or HSV Color):
- hue - the hue component of the color specified as a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
- saturation - the saturation component of the color specified as a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
- brightness - the brightness component of the color specified as a number from 0.0 to 1.0.
- alpha - the color transparency from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (completely opaque)
As grayscale (Grayscale Color):
- white - the ratio of white to black from 0.0 (completely black) to 1.0 (completely white)
- alpha - the color transparency from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (completely opaque)
From the system or Hammerspoon color lists:
- list - the name of a system color list or a collection list defined in
- name - the color name within the specified color list
- list - the name of a system color list or a collection list defined in
As an HTML style hex color specification:
- hex - a string of the format "#rrggbb" or "#rgb" where
, andb
are hexadecimal digits (i.e. 0-9, A-F) - alpha - the color transparency from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (completely opaque)
- hex - a string of the format "#rrggbb" or "#rgb" where
From an image to be used as a tiled pattern:
- image - an
object representing the image to be used as a tiled pattern
- image - an
Any combination of the above keys may be specified within the color table and they will be evaluated in the following order:
- if the
key is specified, it will be used to create a tiling pattern. - If the
keys are specified, and if they can be matched to an existing color within the system color lists, that color is used. - If the
key is provided, then the color is generated as an HSB color - If the
key is provided, then the color is generated as a Grayscale color - Otherwise, an RGB color is generated.
Except where specified above to indicate the color model being used, any key which is not provided defaults to a value of 0.0, except for alpha
, which defaults to 1.0. This means that specifying an empty table as the color will result in an opaque black color.
API Overview
Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed
Variables - Configurable values
ansiTerminalColors hammerspoon x11
Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension
asHSB asRGB colorsFor lists