# cp.ui.axutils

Utility functions to support hs.axuielement.

# Submodules

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • cache
  • childAtIndex
  • childFromBottom
  • childFromLeft
  • childFromRight
  • childFromTop
  • childInColumn
  • childIndex
  • childMatching
  • children
  • childrenAbove
  • childrenBelow
  • childrenInColumn
  • childrenInLine
  • childrenInNextLine
  • childrenMatching
  • childrenWith
  • childrenWithRole
  • childWith
  • childWithDescription
  • childWithID
  • childWithRole
  • childWithTitle
  • hasAttributeValue
  • hasChild
  • isValid
  • prop
  • snapshot
  • valueOf
  • withAttributeValue
  • withRole
  • withTitle
  • withValue

# API Documentation

# Functions

# cache

Signature cp.ui.axutils.cache(source, key, finderFn[, verifyFn]) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description Checks if the cached value at the source[key] is a valid axuielement. If not it will call the provided finderFn() function (with no arguments), cache the result and return it.
  • source - the table containing the cache
  • key - the key the value is cached under
  • finderFn - the function which will return the element if not found.
  • [verifyFn] - an optional function which will check the cached element to verify it is still valid.
  • The valid cached value.
  • If the optional verifyFn is provided, it will be called to check that the cached value is still valid. It is passed a single parameter (the axuielement) and is expected to return true or false.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 654

# childAtIndex

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childAtIndex(element, index, compareFn[, matcherFn]) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description Searches for the child element which is at number index when sorted using the compareFn.
  • element - the axuielement or array of axuielements
  • index - the index number of the child to find.
  • compareFn - a function to compare the elements.
  • matcherFn - an optional function which is passed each child and returns true if the child should be processed.
  • The child, or nil if the index is larger than the number of children.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 385

# childFromBottom

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childFromBottom(element, index, matcherFn) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description Searches for the child element which is at number index when sorted bottom-to-top.
  • element - the axuielement or array of axuielements
  • index - the index number of the child to find.
  • matcherFn - an optional function which is passed each child and returns true if the child should be processed.
  • The child, or nil if the index is larger than the number of children.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 528

# childFromLeft

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childFromLeft(element, index[, matcherFn]) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description Searches for the child element which is at number index when sorted left-to-right.
  • element - the axuielement or array of axuielements
  • index - the index number of the child to find.
  • matcherFn - an optional function which is passed each child and returns true if the child should be processed.
  • The child, or nil if the index is larger than the number of children.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 483

# childFromRight

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childFromRight(element, index[, matcherFn]) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description Searches for the child element which is at number index when sorted right-to-left.
  • element - the axuielement or array of axuielements
  • index - the index number of the child to find.
  • matcherFn - an optional function which is passed each child and returns true if the child should be processed.
  • The child, or nil if the index is larger than the number of children.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 498

# childFromTop

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childFromTop(element, index[, matcherFn]) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description Searches for the child element which is at number index when sorted top-to-bottom.
  • element - the axuielement or array of axuielements
  • index - the index number of the child to find.
  • matcherFn - an optional function which is passed each child and returns true if the child should be processed.
  • The child, or nil if the index is larger than the number of children.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 513

# childInColumn

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childInColumn(element, role, startIndex, childIndex) -> table | nil
Type Function
Description Finds the children for an element, then checks to see if they match the supplied role. It then compares the vertical position data of all matching children and returns an element defined by the childIndex, which lines up vertially with the element defined by the startIndex.
  • element - The element to retrieve the children from.
  • role - The required role as a string.
  • startIndex - A number which defines the index of the first element to use.
  • childIndex - A number which defines the index of the element to return.
  • The axuielement if it matches, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 133

# childIndex

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childIndex(element) -> number or nil
Type Function
Description Finds the index of the specified child element, if it is present. If not, nil is returned.
  • element - The axuielement to find the index of.
  • The index (1 or higher) of the element, or nil if it was not found.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 603

# childMatching

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childMatching(element, matcherFn[, index]) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for the first child of the specified element for which the provided function returns true. The function will receive one parameter - the current child.
  • element - the axuielement
  • matcherFn - the function which checks if the child matches the requirements.
  • index - the number of matching child to return. Defaults to 1.
  • The first matching child, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 354

# children

Signature cp.ui.axutils.children(element[, compareFn]) -> table
Type Function
Description Finds the children for the element. If it is an hs.axuielement, it will attempt to get the AXChildren attribute. If it is a table with a children function, that will get called. If no children exist, an empty table will be returned.
  • element - The element to retrieve the children of.
  • compareFn - Optional function to use to sort the order of the returned children.
  • a table of children
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 149

# childrenAbove

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenAbove(element, bottomElement) -> table of axuielement or nil
Type Function
Description Finds the list of axuielement children from the element which are above the specified bottomElement. If the element is nil, nil is returned. If the topElement is nil all children are returned.
  • element - The axuielement to find the children of.
  • topElement - The axuielement that the other children must be above.
  • The table of axuielements that are above, or nil if the element is not available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 197

# childrenBelow

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenBelow(element, topElement) -> table of axuielement or nil
Type Function
Description Finds the list of axuielement children from the element which are below the specified topElement. If the element is nil, nil is returned. If the topElement is nil all children are returned.
  • element - The axuielement to find the children of.
  • topElement - The axuielement that the other children must be below.
  • The table of axuielements that are below, or nil if the element is not available.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 183

# childrenInColumn

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenInColumn(element, role, startIndex) -> table | nil
Type Function
Description Finds the children for an element, then checks to see if they match the supplied role. It then compares the vertical position data of all matching children and returns a table with only the elements that line up to the element defined by the startIndex.
  • element - The element to retrieve the children from.
  • role - The required role as a string.
  • startIndex - A number which defines the index of the first element to use.
  • The table of axuielement objects, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 93

# childrenInLine

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenInLine(element) -> table | nil
Type Function
Description Gets a table of children that are all in the same family and line as the supplied element.
  • element - The base element.
  • The table of axuielement objects, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 39

# childrenInNextLine

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenInNextLine(element) -> table | nil
Type Function
Description Gets a table of children that are in the next line in relation to the supplied element. Scrollbars will be ignored.
  • element - The base element.
  • The table of axuielement objects, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 65

# childrenMatching

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenMatching(element, matcherFn) -> { axuielement }
Type Function
Description This searches for all children of the specified element for which the provided function returns true. The function will receive one parameter - the current child.
  • element - the axuielement
  • matcherFn - the function which checks if the child matches the requirements.
  • All matching children, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 572

# childrenWith

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenWith(element, name, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for all children of the specified element which has an attribute with the matching name and value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • name - the name of the attribute
  • value - the value of the attribute
  • All matching children, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 543

# childrenWithRole

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childrenWithRole(element, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for all children of the specified element which has an AXRole attribute with the matching value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • value - the value of the attribute
  • All matching children, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 558

# childWith

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childWith(element, name, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for the first child of the specified element which has an attribute with the matching name and value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • name - the name of the attribute
  • value - the value of the attribute
  • The first matching child, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 283

# childWithDescription

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childWithDescription(element, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for the first child of the specified element which has AXDescription with the specified value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • value - the value
  • The first matching child, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 340

# childWithID

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childWithID(element, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for the first child of the specified element which has AXIdentifier with the specified value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • value - the value
  • The first matching child, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 298

# childWithRole

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childWithRole(element, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for the first child of the specified element which has AXRole with the specified value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • value - the value
  • The first matching child, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 312

# childWithTitle

Signature cp.ui.axutils.childWithTitle(element, value) -> axuielement
Type Function
Description This searches for the first child of the specified element which has AXTitle with the specified value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • value - the value
  • The first matching child, or nil if none was found
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 326

# hasAttributeValue

Signature cp.ui.axutils.hasAttributeValue(element, name, value) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks to see if an element has a specific value.
  • element - the axuielement
  • name - the name of the attribute
  • value - the value of the attribute
  • true if the element has the supplied attribute value, otherwise false.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 211

# hasChild

Signature cp.ui.axutils.hasChild(element, matcherFn) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the axuielement has a child that passes the matcherFn.
  • element - the axuielement to check.
  • matcherFn - the function that accepts an axuielement and returns a boolean
  • true if any child matches, otherwise false.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 589

# isValid

Signature cp.ui.axutils.isValid(element) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the axuilelement is still valid - that is, still active in the UI.
  • element - the axuielement
  • true if the element is valid.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 624

# prop

Signature cp.ui.axutils.prop(uiFinder, attributeName[, settable]) -> cp.prop
Type Function
Description Creates a new cp.prop which will find the hs.axuielement via the uiFinder and get/set the value (if settable is true).
  • uiFinder - the cp.prop or function which will retrieve the current hs.axuielement.
  • attributeName - the AX atrribute name the property links to.
  • settable - Defaults to false. If true, the property will also be settable.
  • The cp.prop for the attribute.
  • If the uiFinder is a cp.prop, it will be monitored for changes, making the resulting prop "live".
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 761

# snapshot

Signature cp.ui.axutils.snapshot(element, filename, elementFrame) -> hs.image
Type Function
Description Takes a snapshot of the specified axuielement and returns it. If the filename is provided it also saves the file to the specified location.
  • element - The axuielement to snap.
  • filename - (optional) The path to save the image as a PNG file.
  • elementFrame - (optional) The hs.geometry frame of what you want to capture
  • An hs.image file, or nil if the element could not be snapped.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 689

# valueOf

Signature cp.ui.axutils.valueOf(element, name[, default]) -> anything
Type Function
Description Returns the named AX attribute value, or the default if it is empty.
  • element - the axuielement to retrieve the attribute value for.
  • attribute - The attribute name (e.g. "AXValue")
  • default - (optional) if provided, this will be returned if the attribute is nil.
  • The attribute value, or the default if none is found.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 22

# withAttributeValue

Signature cp.ui.axutils.withAttributeValue(element, name, value) -> hs.axuielement | nil
Type Function
Description Checks if the element has an attribute value with the specified name and value. If so, the element is returned, otherwise nil.
  • element - The element to check
  • name - The name of the attribute to check
  • value - The value of the attribute
  • The axuielement if it matches, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 226

# withRole

Signature cp.ui.axutils.withRole(element, role) -> hs.axuielement | nil
Type Function
Description Checks if the element has an "AXRole" attribute with the specified role. If so, the element is returned, otherwise nil.
  • element - The element to check
  • role - The required role
  • The axuielement if it matches, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 241

# withTitle

Signature cp.ui.axutils.withTitle(element, title) -> hs.axuielement | nil
Type Function
Description Checks if the element has an "AXTitle" attribute with the specified title. If so, the element is returned, otherwise nil.
  • element - The element to check
  • title - The required title
  • The axuielement if it matches, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 269

# withValue

Signature cp.ui.axutils.withValue(element, value) -> hs.axuielement | nil
Type Function
Description Checks if the element has an "AXValue" attribute with the specified value. If so, the element is returned, otherwise nil.
  • element - The element to check
  • value - The required value
  • The axuielement if it matches, otherwise nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/ui/axutils.lua line 255