# plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel

Watch Folder Panel Manager.

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • addButton
  • addCheckbox
  • addContent
  • addHandler
  • addHeading
  • addParagraph
  • addPassword
  • addSelect
  • addTextbox
  • generateContent
  • getToolbarItem

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# new

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel.new(params, manager) -> panel object
Type Constructor
Description Constructs a new panel with the specified priority and ID.
  • params - Table of parameters
  • manager - The manager
  • A panel object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 27

# Methods

# addButton

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addButton(priority, params) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a button to the panel with the specified priority and params.
  • priority - The priority number for the button.
  • params - The set of parameters for the button.
  • The panel.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 312

# addCheckbox

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addCheckbox(priority, params) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a checkbox to the panel with the specified priority and params.
  • priority - The priority number for the checkbox.
  • params - The set of parameters for the checkbox.
  • The panel.
  • The params can contain the following fields:
  • ** id - (optional) The unique ID. If none is provided, one will be generated.
  • ** name - (optional) The name of the checkbox field.
  • ** label - (optional) The text label to display after the checkbox.
  • ** onchange - (optional) a function that will get called when the checkbox value changes. It will be passed two parameters, id and params, the latter of which is a table containing the value and checked values of the checkbox.
  • ** class - (optional) the CSS class list to apply to the checkbox.
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 201

# addContent

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addContent(priority, content[, escaped]) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds the specified content to the panel, with the specified priority order.
  • priority - the priority order of the content.
  • content - a value that can be converted to a string.
  • escaped - if true, the content will be escaped.
  • The panel object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 112

# addHandler

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addHandler(event, id, handlerFn, keys) -> none
Type Method
Description Adds a handler
  • event - The JavaScript event as string
  • id - The ID as string
  • handlerFn - The handler function
  • keys - Table of keys
  • The panel object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 133

# addHeading

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addHeading(priority, text, level) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a heading to the panel with the specified priority and text.
  • priority - The priority number for the heading.
  • text - The content of the heading as a string.
  • level - The level of the heading.
  • The panel object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 240

# addParagraph

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addParagraph(priority, content[, escaped[, class]]) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a paragraph to the panel with the specified priority and content.
  • priority - The priority number for the paragraph.
  • content - The content you want to include as a string.
  • escaped - Whether or not the HTML is escaped as a boolean.
  • class - The class name as a string.
  • The panel object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 185

# addPassword

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addPassword(priority, params) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a password textbox to the panel with the specified priority and params.
  • priority - The priority number for the password.
  • params - The set of parameters for the password.
  • The panel.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 284

# addSelect

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addSelect(priority, params) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a select to the panel with the specified priority and params.
  • priority - The priority number for the select.
  • params - The set of parameters for the select.
  • The panel.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 334

# addTextbox

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:addTextbox(priority, params) -> panel
Type Method
Description Adds a textbox to the panel with the specified priority and params.
  • priority - The priority number for the textbox.
  • params - The set of parameters for the textbox.
  • The panel.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 255

# generateContent

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:generateContent() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets generated toolbar content
  • None
  • A string of generated content
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 75

# getToolbarItem

Signature plugins.core.watchfolders.manager.panel:getToolbarItem() -> table
Type Method
Description Returns a Toolbar Item
  • None
  • Table of Toolbar Item Values
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/watchfolders/manager/panel.lua line 55