# hs.window

Inspect/manipulate windows


  • See hs.screen and hs.geometry for more information on how Hammerspoon uses window/screen frames and coordinates

# Submodules

# API Overview

Variables - Configurable values

  • animationDuration
  • setFrameCorrectness

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • allWindows
  • desktop
  • invisibleWindows
  • list
  • minimizedWindows
  • orderedWindows
  • setShadows
  • snapshotForID
  • timeout
  • visibleWindows

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • find
  • focusedWindow
  • frontmostWindow
  • get

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • application
  • becomeMain
  • centerOnScreen
  • close
  • focus
  • focusTab
  • focusWindowEast
  • focusWindowNorth
  • focusWindowSouth
  • focusWindowWest
  • frame
  • id
  • isFullScreen
  • isMaximizable
  • isMinimized
  • isStandard
  • isVisible
  • maximize
  • minimize
  • move
  • moveOneScreenEast
  • moveOneScreenNorth
  • moveOneScreenSouth
  • moveOneScreenWest
  • moveToScreen
  • moveToUnit
  • otherWindowsAllScreens
  • otherWindowsSameScreen
  • raise
  • role
  • screen
  • sendToBack
  • setFrame
  • setFrameInScreenBounds
  • setFrameWithWorkarounds
  • setFullScreen
  • setSize
  • setTopLeft
  • size
  • snapshot
  • subrole
  • tabCount
  • title
  • toggleFullScreen
  • toggleZoom
  • topLeft
  • unminimize
  • windowsToEast
  • windowsToNorth
  • windowsToSouth
  • windowsToWest
  • zoomButtonRect

# API Documentation

# Variables

# animationDuration

Signature hs.window.animationDuration (number)
Type Variable
Description The default duration for animations, in seconds. Initial value is 0.2; set to 0 to disable animations.
Notes None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 21

# setFrameCorrectness

Signature hs.window.setFrameCorrectness
Type Variable
Description Using hs.window:setFrame() in some cases does not work as expected: namely, the bottom (or Dock) edge, and edges between screens, might
Notes None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 392

# Functions

# allWindows

Signature hs.window.allWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Returns all windows
  • None
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all open windows
  • visibleWindows(), orderedWindows(), get(), find(), and several more functions and methods in this and other
  • modules make use of this function, so it is important to understand its limitations
  • This function queries all applications for their windows every time it is invoked; if you need to call it a lot and
  • performance is not acceptable consider using the hs.window.filter module
  • This function can only return windows in the current Mission Control Space; if you need to address windows across
  • different Spaces you can use the hs.window.filter module
  • - if Displays have separate Spaces is on (in System Preferences>Mission Control) the current Space is defined
  • as the union of all currently visible Spaces
  • - minimized windows and hidden windows (i.e. belonging to hidden apps, e.g. via cmd-h) are always considered
  • to be in the current Space
  • This function filters out the desktop "window"; use hs.window.desktop() to address it. (Note however that
  • hs.application.get'Finder':allWindows() will include the desktop in the returned list)
  • Beside the limitations discussed above, this function will return all windows as reported by OSX, including some
  • "windows" that one wouldn't expect: for example, every Google Chrome (actual) window has a companion window for its
  • status bar; therefore you might get unexpected results - in the Chrome example, calling hs.window.focusWindowSouth()
  • from a Chrome window would end up "focusing" its status bar, and therefore the proper window itself, seemingly resulting
  • in a no-op. In order to avoid such surprises you can use the hs.window.filter module, and more specifically
  • the default windowfilter (hs.window.filter.default) which filters out known cases of not-actual-windows
  • Some windows will not be reported by OSX - e.g. things that are on different Spaces, or things that are Full Screen
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 54

# desktop

Signature hs.window.desktop() -> hs.window object
Type Function
Description Returns the desktop "window"
  • None
  • An hs.window object representing the desktop, or nil if Finder is not running
  • The desktop belongs to Finder.app: when Finder is the active application, you can focus the desktop by cycling
  • through windows via cmd-</li><li>The desktop window has no id, a role of AXScrollAreaand no subrole</li><li>The desktop is filtered out fromhs.window.allWindows()` (and downstream uses)
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 33

# invisibleWindows

Signature hs.window.invisibleWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Gets all invisible windows
  • None
  • A list containing hs.window objects representing all windows that are not visible as per hs.window:isVisible()
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 139

# list

Signature hs.window.list(allWindows) -> table
Type Function
Description Gets a table containing all the window data retrieved from CGWindowListCreate.
  • allWindows - Get all the windows, even those "below" the Dock window.
  • true is succesful otherwise false if an error occurred.
  • This allows you to get window information without Accessibility Permissions.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 21

# minimizedWindows

Signature hs.window.minimizedWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Gets all minimized windows
  • None
  • A list containing hs.window objects representing all windows that are minimized as per hs.window:isMinimized()
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 156

# orderedWindows

Signature hs.window.orderedWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Returns all visible windows, ordered from front to back
  • None
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all visible windows, ordered from front to back
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 173

# setShadows

Signature hs.window.setShadows(shadows)
Type Function
Description Enables/Disables window shadows
  • shadows - A boolean, true to show window shadows, false to hide window shadows
  • None
  • This function uses a private, undocumented OS X API call, so it is not guaranteed to work in any future OS X release
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 563

# snapshotForID

Signature hs.window.snapshotForID(ID [, keepTransparency]) -> hs.image-object
Type Function
Description Returns a snapshot of the window specified by the ID as an hs.image object
  • ID - Window ID of the window to take a snapshot of.
  • keepTransparency - optional boolean value indicating if the windows alpha value (transparency) should be maintained in the resulting image or if it should be fully opaque (default).
  • hs.image object of the window snapshot or nil if unable to create a snapshot
  • See also method hs.window:snapshot()
  • Because the window ID cannot always be dynamically determined, this function will allow you to provide the ID of a window that was cached earlier.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 589

# timeout

Signature hs.window.timeout(value) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Sets the timeout value used in the accessibility API.
  • value - The number of seconds for the new timeout value.
  • true is succesful otherwise false if an error occurred.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 65

# visibleWindows

Signature hs.window.visibleWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Gets all visible windows
  • None
  • A list containing hs.window objects representing all windows that are visible as per hs.window:isVisible()
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 122

# Constructors

# find

Signature hs.window.find(hint) -> hs.window object(s)
Type Constructor
Description Finds windows
  • hint - search criterion for the desired window(s); it can be: - an id number as per hs.window:id() - a string pattern that matches (via string.find) the window title as per hs.window:title() (for convenience, the matching will be done on lowercased strings)
  • one or more hs.window objects that match the supplied search criterion, or nil if none found
  • for convenience you can call this as hs.window(hint)
  • see also hs.window.get
  • for more sophisticated use cases and/or for better performance if you call this a lot, consider using hs.window.filter
  • Usage:
  • </li><li>-- by id</li><li>hs.window(8812):title() --> Hammerspoon Console</li><li>-- by title</li><li>hs.window'bash':application():name() --> Terminal</li><li>
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 208

# focusedWindow

Signature hs.window.focusedWindow() -> window
Type Constructor
Description Returns the window that has keyboard/mouse focus
  • None
  • An hs.window object representing the currently focused window
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 94

# frontmostWindow

Signature hs.window.frontmostWindow() -> hs.window object
Type Constructor
Description Returns the focused window or, if no window has focus, the frontmost one
  • None
  • * An hs.window object representing the frontmost window, or nil if there are no visible windows
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 748

# get

Signature hs.window.get(hint) -> hs.window object
Type Constructor
Description Gets a specific window
  • hint - search criterion for the desired window; it can be: - an id number as per hs.window:id() - a window title string as per hs.window:title()
  • the first hs.window object that matches the supplied search criterion, or nil if not found
  • see also hs.window.find and hs.application:getWindow()
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 189

# Methods

# application

Signature hs.window:application() -> app or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the hs.application object the window belongs to
  • None
  • An hs.application object representing the application that owns the window, or nil if an error occurred
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 482

# becomeMain

Signature hs.window:becomeMain() -> window
Type Method
Description Makes the window the main window of its application
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • Make a window become the main window does not transfer focus to the application. See hs.window.focus()
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 500

# centerOnScreen

Signature hs.window:centerOnScreen([screen][, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) --> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Centers the window on a screen
  • screen - (optional) An hs.screen object or argument for hs.screen.find; if nil, use the screen the window is currently on
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 864

# close

Signature hs.window:close() -> bool
Type Method
Description Closes the window
  • None
  • True if the operation succeeded, false if not
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 324

# focus

Signature hs.window:focus() -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Focuses the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 508

# focusTab

Signature hs.window:focusTab(index) -> bool
Type Method
Description Focuses the tab in the window's tab group at index, or the last tab if index is out of bounds
  • index - A number, a 1-based index of a tab to focus
  • true if the tab was successfully pressed, or false if there was a problem
  • This method works with document tab groups and some app tabs, like Chrome and Safari.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 341

# focusWindowEast

Signature hs.window:focusWindowEast([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the east (i.e. right)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows
  • every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included
  • (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in
  • hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 783

# focusWindowNorth

Signature hs.window:focusWindowNorth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the north (i.e. up)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows
  • every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included
  • (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in
  • hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 823

# focusWindowSouth

Signature hs.window:focusWindowSouth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the south (i.e. down)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows
  • every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included
  • (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in
  • hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 843

# focusWindowWest

Signature hs.window:focusWindowWest([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the west (i.e. left)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows
  • every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included
  • (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in
  • hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 803

# frame

Signature hs.window:frame() -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Gets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates
  • None
  • An hs.geometry rect containing the co-ordinates of the top left corner of the window and its width and height
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 430

# id

Signature hs.window:id() -> number or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the unique identifier of the window
  • None
  • A number containing the unique identifier of the window, or nil if an error occurred
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 546

# isFullScreen

Signature hs.window:isFullScreen() -> bool or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the fullscreen state of the window
  • None
  • True if the window is fullscreen, false if not. Nil if an error occurred
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 400

# isMaximizable

Signature hs.window:isMaximizable() -> bool or nil
Type Method
Description Determines if a window is maximizable
  • None
  • True if the window is maximizable, False if it isn't, or nil if an error occurred
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 296

# isMinimized

Signature hs.window:isMinimized() -> bool
Type Method
Description Gets the minimized state of the window
  • None
  • True if the window is minimized, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 456

# isStandard

Signature hs.window:isStandard() -> bool
Type Method
Description Determines if the window is a standard window
  • None
  • True if the window is standard, otherwise false
  • "Standard window" means that this is not an unusual popup window, a modal dialog, a floating window, etc.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 164

# isVisible

Signature hs.window:isVisible() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Determines if a window is visible (i.e. not hidden and not minimized)
  • None
  • true if the window is visible, otherwise false
  • This does not mean the user can see the window - it may be obscured by other windows, or it may be off the edge of the screen
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 243

# maximize

Signature hs.window:maximize([duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Maximizes the window
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
  • The window will be resized as large as possible, without obscuring the dock/menu
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 581

# minimize

Signature hs.window:minimize() -> window
Type Method
Description Minimizes the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • This method will always animate per your system settings and is not affected by hs.window.animationDuration
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 417

# move

Signature hs.window:move(rect[, screen][, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) --> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window
  • rect - It can be: - an hs.geometry point, or argument to construct one; will move the screen by this delta, keeping its size constant; screen is ignored - an hs.geometry rect, or argument to construct one; will set the window frame to this rect, in absolute coordinates; screen is ignored - an hs.geometry unit rect, or argument to construct one; will set the window frame to this rect relative to the desired screen; if screen is nil, use the screen the window is currently on
  • screen - (optional) An hs.screen object or argument for hs.screen.find; only valid if rect is a unit rect
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 930

# moveOneScreenEast

Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenEast([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen east (i.e. right)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 969

# moveOneScreenNorth

Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenNorth([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen north (i.e. up)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 995

# moveOneScreenSouth

Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenSouth([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen south (i.e. down)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 1009

# moveOneScreenWest

Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenWest([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen west (i.e. left)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 982

# moveToScreen

Signature hs.window:moveToScreen(screen[, noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window to a given screen, retaining its relative position and size
  • screen - An hs.screen object, or an argument for hs.screen.find(), representing the screen to move the window to
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 904

# moveToUnit

Signature hs.window:moveToUnit(unitrect[, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves and resizes the window to occupy a given fraction of the screen
  • unitrect - An hs.geometry unit rect, or constructor argument to create one
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
  • An example, which would make a window fill the top-left quarter of the screen: win:moveToUnit'[0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5]'
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 887

# otherWindowsAllScreens

Signature hs.window:otherWindowsAllScreens() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets every window except this one
  • None
  • A table containing hs.window objects representing all visible windows other than this one
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 493

# otherWindowsSameScreen

Signature hs.window:otherWindowsSameScreen() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets other windows on the same screen
  • None
  • A table of hs.window objects representing the visible windows other than this one that are on the same screen
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 479

# raise

Signature hs.window:raise() -> window
Type Method
Description Brings a window to the front of the screen without focussing it
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 521

# role

Signature hs.window:role() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the role of the window
  • None
  • A string containing the role of the window
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 147

# screen

Signature hs.window:screen() -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Gets the screen which the window is on
  • None
  • An hs.screen object representing the screen which contains the window.
  • While windows can be dragged to span multiple screens, part of the window will disappear when the mouse is released. The screen returned by this method will be the part of the window that remains visible.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 618

# sendToBack

Signature hs.window:sendToBack() -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sends the window to the back
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • Due to the way this method works and OSX limitations, calling this method when you have a lot of randomly overlapping (as opposed to neatly tiled) windows might be visually jarring, and take a fair amount of time to complete. So if you don't use orderly layouts, or if you have a lot of windows in general, you're probably better off using hs.application:hide() (or simply cmd-h)
  • This method works by focusing all overlapping windows behind this one, front to back. If called on the focused window, this method will switch focus to the topmost window under this one; otherwise, the currently focused window will regain focus after this window has been sent to the back.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 539

# setFrame

Signature hs.window:setFrame(rect[, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates
  • rect - An hs.geometry rect, or constructor argument, describing the frame to be applied to the window
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 368

# setFrameInScreenBounds

Signature hs.window:setFrameInScreenBounds([rect][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates, possibly adjusted to ensure it is fully inside the screen
  • rect - An hs.geometry rect, or constructor argument, describing the frame to be applied to the window; if omitted, the current window frame will be used
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 412

# setFrameWithWorkarounds

Signature hs.window:setFrameWithWorkarounds(rect[, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates, using the additional workarounds described in hs.window.setFrameCorrectness
  • rect - An hs.geometry rect, or constructor argument, describing the frame to be applied to the window
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 380

# setFullScreen

Signature hs.window:setFullScreen(fullscreen) -> window
Type Method
Description Sets the fullscreen state of the window
  • fullscreen - A boolean, true if the window should be set fullscreen, false if not
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 382

# setSize

Signature hs.window:setSize(size) -> window
Type Method
Description Resizes the window
  • size - A size-table containing the width and height the window should be resized to
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 239

# setTopLeft

Signature hs.window:setTopLeft(point) -> window
Type Method
Description Moves the window to a given point
  • point - A point-table containing the absolute co-ordinates the window should be moved to
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 218

# size

Signature hs.window:size() -> size
Type Method
Description Gets the size of the window
  • None
  • A size-table containing the width and height of the window
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 201

# snapshot

Signature hs.window:snapshot([keepTransparency]) -> hs.image-object
Type Method
Description Returns a snapshot of the window as an hs.image object
  • keepTransparency - optional boolean value indicating if the windows alpha value (transparency) should be maintained in the resulting image or if it should be fully opaque (default).
  • hs.image object of the window snapshot or nil if unable to create a snapshot
  • See also function hs.window.snapshotForID()
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 611

# subrole

Signature hs.window:subrole() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the subrole of the window
  • None
  • A string containing the subrole of the window
  • This typically helps to determine if a window is a special kind of window - such as a modal window, or a floating window
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 127

# tabCount

Signature hs.window:tabCount() -> number or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the number of tabs in the window has
  • None
  • A number containing the number of tabs, or nil if an error occurred
  • Intended for use with the focusTab method, if this returns a number, then focusTab can switch between that many tabs.
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 362

# title

Signature hs.window:title() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the title of the window
  • None
  • A string containing the title of the window
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 110

# toggleFullScreen

Signature hs.window:toggleFullScreen() -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Toggles the fullscreen state of the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • Not all windows support being full-screened
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 597

# toggleZoom

Signature hs.window:toggleZoom() -> window
Type Method
Description Toggles the zoom state of the window (this is effectively equivalent to clicking the green maximize/fullscreen button at the top left of a window)
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 257

# topLeft

Signature hs.window:topLeft() -> point
Type Method
Description Gets the absolute co-ordinates of the top left of the window
  • None
  • A point-table containing the absolute co-ordinates of the top left corner of the window
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 184

# unminimize

Signature hs.window:unminimize() -> window
Type Method
Description Un-minimizes the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 438

# windowsToEast

Signature hs.window:windowsToEast([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the east of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned east (i.e. right) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 688

# windowsToNorth

Signature hs.window:windowsToNorth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the north of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the north are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the northward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned north (i.e. up) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 718

# windowsToSouth

Signature hs.window:windowsToSouth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the south of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the south are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the southward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned south (i.e. down) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 733

# windowsToWest

Signature hs.window:windowsToWest([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the west of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the west are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the westward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned west (i.e. left) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Examples None
Source extensions/window/window.lua line 703

# zoomButtonRect

Signature hs.window:zoomButtonRect() -> rect-table or nil
Type Method
Description Gets a rect-table for the location of the zoom button (the green button typically found at the top left of a window)
  • None
  • A rect-table containing the bounding frame of the zoom button, or nil if an error occurred
  • The co-ordinates in the rect-table (i.e. the x and y values) are in absolute co-ordinates, not relative to the window the button is part of, or the screen the window is on
  • Although not perfect as such, this method can provide a useful way to find a region of the titlebar suitable for simulating mouse click events on, with hs.eventtap
Examples None
Source extensions/window/libwindow.m line 275