# hs.tabs

Place the windows of an application into tabs drawn on its titlebar

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • enableForApp
  • focusTab
  • tabWindows

# API Documentation

# Functions

# enableForApp

Signature hs.tabs.enableForApp(app)
Type Function
Description Places all the windows of an app into one place and tab them
  • app - An hs.application object or the app title
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/tabs/tabs.lua line 145

# focusTab

Signature hs.tabs.focusTab(app, num)
Type Function
Description Focuses a specific tab of an app
  • app - An hs.application object previously enabled for tabbing
  • num - A tab number to switch to
  • None
  • If num is higher than the number of tabs, the last tab will be focussed
Examples None
Source extensions/tabs/tabs.lua line 180

# tabWindows

Signature hs.tabs.tabWindows(app)
Type Function
Description Gets a list of the tabs of a window
  • app - An hs.application object
  • An array of the tabbed windows of an app in the same order as they would be tabbed
  • This function can be used when writing tab switchers
Examples None
Source extensions/tabs/tabs.lua line 33