# hs.brightness

Inspect/manipulate display brightness

Home: https://github.com/asmagill/mjolnir_asm.sys

This module is based primarily on code from the previous incarnation of Mjolnir by Steven Degutis.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • ambient
  • get
  • set

# API Documentation

# Functions

# ambient

Signature hs.brightness.ambient() -> number
Type Function
Description Gets the current ambient brightness
  • None
  • A number containing the current ambient brightness, measured in lux. If an error occurred, the number will be -1
  • Even though external Apple displays include an ambient light sensor, their data is typically not available, so this function will likely only be useful to MacBook users
  • On Silicon based macs, this function uses a method similar to that used by corebrightnessdiag to retrieve the aggregate lux as reported to sysdiagnose.
  • On Intel based macs, the raw sensor data is converted to lux via an algorithm used by Mozilla Firefox and is not guaranteed to give an accurate lux value.
Examples None
Source extensions/brightness/libbrightness.m line 18

# get

Signature hs.brightness.get() -> number
Type Function
Description Returns the current brightness of the display
  • None
  • A number containing the brightness of the display, between 0 and 100
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/brightness/libbrightness.m line 120

# set

Signature hs.brightness.set(brightness) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Sets the display brightness
  • brightness - A number between 0 and 100
  • True if the brightness was set, false if not
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/brightness/libbrightness.m line 82