# cp.spec.Run

An individual run of a test Definition or Specification.

# Submodules

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • Run

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • phase
  • report
  • result
  • shared
  • source

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • debug
  • expectAbort
  • expectFail
  • isDebugging
  • isExpectingAbort
  • isExpectingFail
  • log
  • onBefore
  • onBfter
  • onRunning
  • parent
  • verbose

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# Run

Signature cp.spec.Run(name, source) -> cp.spec.Run
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new test run.
  • name - The name of the run.
  • source - The object (typically a Definition) that initiated the run.
  • cp.spec.Run
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 573

# Fields

# phase

Signature cp.spec.Run.phase <cp.spec.Run.phase>
Type Field
Description The current phase of the run.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 612

# report

Signature cp.spec.Run.report <cp.spec.Report>
Type Field
Description The reports of the run.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 585

# result

Signature cp.spec.Run.result <cp.spec.Run.result>
Type Field
Description The current result. Defaults to Run.result.passing.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 617

# shared

Signature cp.spec.Run.shared <table>
Type Field
Description The set of data shared by all phases of the Run. Data from parent Runs will also be available.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 600

# source

Signature cp.spec.Run.source
Type Field
Description The object that initiated the run. Typically a Definition.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 593

# Methods

# debug

Signature cp.spec.Run:debug() -> cp.spec.Run
Type Method
Description Enables debugging on this Run. Any calls to [#log] will be output to the console.
  • None
  • The same Run instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 670

# expectAbort

Signature cp.spec.Run:expectAbort([messagePattern]) -> Run
Type Method
Description Indicates that this spec is expecting an abort/error to occur.
  • messagePattern - The pattern to check the fail message against. If not provided, any message will match.
  • The same Run instance.
  • When this is expected, it doesn't log the problem as a 'fail'. In fact, if the it doesn't occur at some point during the run, it will raise a failure at the end of the run.
  • The messagePattern can be used to ensure it's the fail you expect.
  • This should be called before the actual abort/error would occur.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 186

# expectFail

Signature cp.spec.Run:expectFail([messagePattern]) -> Run
Type Method
Description Indicates that this spec is expecting an assert/fail to occur.
  • messagePattern - The pattern to check the fail message against. If not provided, any message will match.
  • The same Run instance.
  • When this is expected, it doesn't log the problem as a 'fail'. In fact, if the fail doesn't occur, it will raise a failure at the end of the run.
  • The messagePattern can be used to ensure it's the fail you expect.
  • This should be called before the actual assert/fail would occur.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 99

# isDebugging

Signature cp.spec.Run:isDebugging() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Checks if debug has been enabled on this or any parent Run.
  • None
  • A boolean
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 684

# isExpectingAbort

Signature cp.spec.Run:isExpectingAbort() -> boolean, string or nil
Type Method
Description Checks if the run is expecting a abort/error to occur. If so, it will return the expected message pattern as the second value, if specified.
  • None
  • boolean - true, if a fail is expected.
  • string - the message pattern, if specified.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 226

# isExpectingFail

Signature cp.spec.Run:isExpectingFail() -> boolean, string or nil
Type Method
Description Checks if the run is expecting a fail to occur. If so, it will return the expected message pattern, if specified.
  • None
  • boolean - true, if a fail is expected.
  • string - the message pattern, if specified.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 139

# log

Signature cp.spec.Run:log(message[, ...])
Type Method
Description When the current Run is in debug mode, output the message to the console.
  • message - the text message to output.
  • ... - optional parameters, to be injected into the message, ala string.format.
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 697

# onBefore

Signature cp.spec.Run:onBefore(actionFn) -> self
Type Method
Description Adds a callback function to run prior to executing the actual test.
  • actionFn - The function to run, passed this Run.This as the first parameter.
  • self
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 885

# onBfter

Signature cp.spec.Run:onBfter(actionFn) -> self
Type Method
Description Adds a callback function to run after to executing the actual test, pass or fail.
  • actionFn - The function to run, passed this Run as the first parameter.
  • self
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 911

# onRunning

Signature cp.spec.Run:onRunning(actionFn) -> self
Type Method
Description Adds a callback function to run during the test.
  • runningFn - The function to run, passed Run.This as the first parameter.
  • self
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 898

# parent

Signature cp.spec.Run:parent([parent]) -> cp.spec.Run
Type Method
Description Gets and/or sets the parent Run for this run.
  • parent - (optional) If set, will set the parent Run.
  • The current parent Run.
  • If a parent is provided and there is already another Run set as a parent, an error is thrown.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 838

# verbose

Signature cp.spec.Run:verbose([isVerbose]) -> boolean | self
Type Method
Description Either sets the verbose value and returns itself for further chaining, or returns the current verbose status.
  • isVerbose - (optional) if true or false will update the verbose status and return this Run.
  • The current verbose status, or this Run if isVerbose is provided.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Run.lua line 862