# Snippets for LED Colors

The Loupedeck and Razer Preferences panels have the ability to use Lua Snippets to set what color you want an LED button to use.

The Snippet should return a hs.drawing.color object.

You can learn more about Lua here.

# Examples

# Set LED to Red

return hs.drawing.color.asRGB({hex="#FF0000"})

# Set LED to random color

local a = hs.math.randomFromRange(0, 9)
local b = hs.math.randomFromRange(0, 9)
local c = hs.math.randomFromRange(0, 9)
local d = hs.math.randomFromRange(0, 9)
local e = hs.math.randomFromRange(0, 9)
local f = hs.math.randomFromRange(0, 9)

return hs.drawing.color.asRGB({hex="#"..a..b..c..d..e..f})