# plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared

Shared Pasteboard Plugin.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • copyWithCustomClipName
  • copyWithCustomClipNameAndFolder
  • doDecodeHistoryItem
  • doPasteHistoryItem
  • generateSharedPasteboardMenu
  • getFolderNames
  • getHistory
  • getHistoryPath
  • getLocalFolderName
  • overrideNextFolderName
  • setHistory
  • update
  • validRootPath

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • enabled
  • path

# API Documentation

# Functions

# copyWithCustomClipName

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.copyWithCustomClipName() -> None
Type Function
Description Triggers a copy with custom clip name action.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 198

# copyWithCustomClipNameAndFolder

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.copyWithCustomClipNameAndFolder() -> none
Type Function
Description Copy with Custom Label & Folder.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 282

# doDecodeHistoryItem

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.doDecodeHistoryItem(folderName, index) -> string | nil
Type Function
Description Decodes a Paste History Item.
  • folderName - The folder name
  • index - The index of the item you want to decode
  • The decoded Pasteboard History Item or nil.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 306

# doPasteHistoryItem

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.doPasteHistoryItem(folderName, index) -> none
Type Function
Description Paste History Item.
  • folderName - The folder name
  • index - The index of the item you want to paste
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 330

# generateSharedPasteboardMenu

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.generateSharedPasteboardMenu() -> table
Type Function
Description Generates the shared pasteboard menu.
  • None
  • The shared pasteboard menu as a table.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 363

# getFolderNames

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.getFolderNames() -> table
Type Function
Description Returns the list of folder names as an array of strings.
  • None
  • A table of folder names.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 143

# getHistory

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.getHistory(folderName) -> table
Type Function
Description Gets the history for a supplied folder name.
  • folderName - The folder name
  • The history in a table.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 232

# getHistoryPath

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.getHistoryPath(folderName, fileExtension) -> string
Type Function
Description Gets the History Path.
  • folderName - The folder name
  • fileExtension - The file extension
  • The history path as a string
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 217

# getLocalFolderName

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.getLocalFolderName() -> string
Type Function
Description Gets the local folder name.
  • None
  • The local folder name as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 172

# overrideNextFolderName

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.overrideNextFolderName(overrideFolder) -> none
Type Function
Description Overrides the folder name for the next clip which is copied from Final Cut Pro to the specified value. Once the override has been used, the standard folder name via mod.getLocalFolderName() will be used for subsequent copy operations.
  • None
  • The local folder name as a string.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 185

# setHistory

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.setHistory(folderName) -> none
Type Function
Description Clears the history.
  • folderName - The folder name
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 269

# update

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.update() -> none
Type Function
Description Starts or stops the Shared Pasteboard watcher.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 112

# validRootPath

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.validRootPath() -> boolean
Type Function
Description Gets whether or not the current root path exists.
  • None
  • true if it exists otherwise false.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 51

# Fields

# enabled

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.enabled <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Field
Description Gets whether or not the shared pasteboard is enabled as a boolean.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 41

# path

Signature plugins.finalcutpro.pasteboard.shared.path <cp.prop: string>
Type Field
Description The Shared Pasteboard Root Path.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/finalcutpro/pasteboard/shared.lua line 46