# cp.spec.Scenario

A Definition which describes a specific scenario.

A Scenario is most typically created via the it function, like so:

local spec          = require "cp.spec"
local describe, it  = spec.describe, spec.it

local Rainbow       = require "my.rainbow"

return describe "a rainbow" {
    it "has seven colors"
        local rainbow = Rainbow()
        assert(#rainbow:colors() == 7, "the rainbow has seven colors")

Scenarios can be run asynchronously via the Run.This instance passed to the doing function. To indicate a scenario is asynchronous, call this:wait(), then call this:done(), to indicate it has completed. Any assert call which fails will result in the run failing, and stop at that point.

For example:

return describe "a rainbow" {
    it "has a pot of gold at the end"
        local rainbow = Rainbow()

Definitions can also be data-driven, via the where method:

return describe "a rainbow" {
    it "has ${color} at index ${index}"
        local rainbow = Rainbow()
        assert(rainbow[this.index] == this.color)
    :where {
        { "index",  "color"     },
        { 1,        "red"       },
        { 2,        "orange"    },
        { 3,        "yellow"    },
        { 4,        "blue"      },
        { 5,        "green"     },
        { 6,        "indigo"    },
        { 7,        "violet"    },

This will do a run for each variation and interpolate the value into the run name for each.

Note: "where" parameters will not override built-in functions and fields in the this instance (such as "async" or "done") so ensure that you pick names that don't clash.

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • Scenario

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • doing
  • run
  • where

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# Scenario

Signature cp.spec.Scenario(name[, testFn]) -> cp.spec.Scenario
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new Scenario with the specified name.
  • name - The name of the scenario.
  • testFn - (optional) The function which performs the test for in the scenario.
  • The new Scenario.
  • If the testFn is not provided here, it must be done via the doing method prior to running,
  • an error will occur.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Scenario.lua line 102

# Methods

# doing

Signature cp.spec.Scenario:doing(actionFn) -> self
Type Method
Description Specifies the function for the definition.
  • testFn - The function that will do the test.
  • The same Definition.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Scenario.lua line 121

# run

Signature cp.spec.Scenario:run(...) -> cp.spec.Run
Type Method
Description Runs the scenario.
  • ... - The list of filters. The first one will be compared to this scenario to determine it should be run.
  • cp.spec.Run object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Scenario.lua line 186

# where

Signature cp.spec.Scenario:where(data) -> cp.spec.Where
Type Method
Description Specifies a table of data that will be iterated through as multiple Runs, one row at a time.
  • data - The data table.
  • The first row should be all strings, which will be the name of the parameter. Subsequent rows are the values for those rows.
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/spec/Scenario.lua line 208