# cp.watcher

This extension provides support for setting up 'event watchers'.

For example, if you want to allow interested parties to watch for 'update' events, you might have something like this:

local thing = {}

thing.watchers = watcher.new('update')

	return thing.watchers:watch(events)

	thing.value = value
	thing.watchers:notify('update', value)

Then, your other code could get notifications like so:

	update = function(value) print "New value is "..value end

Then, whenever thing.update(xxx) is called, the watcher will output "New value is xxx".

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • events
  • getCount
  • notify
  • unwatch
  • watch

# API Documentation

# Functions

# new

Signature cp.watcher.new(...) -> watcher
Type Function
Description Constructs a new watcher instance.
  • ... - The list of event name strings supported by the watcher.
  • a new watcher instance
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/watcher/init.lua line 44

# Methods

# events

Signature cp.watcher:events()
Type Method
Description Returns a list of the event names supported by this watcher.
  • None
  • The table of event names.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/watcher/init.lua line 62

# getCount

Signature cp.watcher:getCount()
Type Method
Description Returns the number of watchers currently registered.
  • None
  • The number of watchers.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/watcher/init.lua line 151

# notify

Signature cp.watcher:notify(type, ...) -> nil
Type Method
Description Notifies watchers of the specified event type.
  • type - The event type to notify. Must be one of the supported events.
  • ... - These parameters are passed directly to the event watcher functions.
  • Nothing.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/watcher/init.lua line 131

# unwatch

Signature cp.watcher:unwatch(id) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Removes the watchers which were added with the specified ID.
  • id - The unique ID returned from watch.
  • true if a watcher with the specified ID exists and was successfully removed.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/watcher/init.lua line 111

# watch

Signature cp.watcher:watch(events) -> id
Type Method
Description Adds a watcher for the specified events.
  • events - A table of functions, one for each event to watch.
  • A unique ID that can be passed to unwatch to stop watching.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/watcher/init.lua line 95