# hs.application.watcher

Watch for application launch/terminate events

This module is based primarily on code from the previous incarnation of Mjolnir by Markus Engelbrecht and Steven Degutis.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • activated
  • deactivated
  • hidden
  • launched
  • launching
  • terminated
  • unhidden

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • start
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Constants

# activated

Signature hs.application.watcher.activated
Type Constant
Description An application has been activated (i.e. given keyboard/mouse focus)
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 33

# deactivated

Signature hs.application.watcher.deactivated
Type Constant
Description An application has been deactivated (i.e. lost keyboard/mouse focus)
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 37

# hidden

Signature hs.application.watcher.hidden
Type Constant
Description An application has been hidden
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 25

# launched

Signature hs.application.watcher.launched
Type Constant
Description An application has been launched
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 17

# launching

Signature hs.application.watcher.launching
Type Constant
Description An application is in the process of being launched
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 13

# terminated

Signature hs.application.watcher.terminated
Type Constant
Description An application has been terminated
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 21

# unhidden

Signature hs.application.watcher.unhidden
Type Constant
Description An application has been unhidden
Notes None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 29

# Constructors

# new

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.application.watcher.new(fn) -> watcher | | Type | Constructor | | Description | Creates an application event watcher | | Parameters |

  • fn - A function that will be called when application events happen. It should accept three parameters: A string containing the name of the application An event type (see the constants defined above) An hs.application object representing the application, or nil if the application couldn't be found
| | Returns |
  • An hs.application.watcher object
| | Notes |
  • If the function is called with an event type of hs.application.watcher.terminated then the application name parameter will be nil and the hs.application parameter, will only be useful for getting the UNIX process ID (i.e. the PID) of the application
| | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 142 |

# Methods

# start

Signature hs.application.watcher:start()
Type Method
Description Starts the application watcher
  • None
  • The hs.application.watcher object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 224

# stop

Signature hs.application.watcher:stop()
Type Method
Description Stops the application watcher
  • None
  • The hs.application.watcher object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/application/libapplication_watcher.m line 247