# hs.distributednotifications

Interact with NSDistributedNotificationCenter There are many notifications posted by parts of OS X, and third party apps, which may be interesting to react to using this module.

You can discover the notifications that are being posted on your system with some code like this:

foo = hs.distributednotifications.new(function(name, object, userInfo) print(string.format("name: %s\nobject: %s\nuserInfo: %s\n", name, object, hs.inspect(userInfo))) end)

Note that distributed notifications are expensive - they involve lots of IPC. Also note that they are not guaranteed to be delivered, particularly if the system is very busy.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • post

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • start
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Functions

# post

Signature hs.distributednotifications.post(name[, sender[, userInfo]])
Type Function
Description Sends a distributed notification
  • name - A string containing the name of the notification
  • sender - An optional string containing the name of the sender of the notification (in the form com.domain.application.foo). Defaults to nil.
  • userInfo - An optional table containing additional information to post with the notification. Defaults to nil.
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/distributednotifications/libdistributednotifications.m line 81

# Constructors

# new

Signature hs.distributednotifications.new(callback[, name[, object]]) -> object
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new NSDistributedNotificationCenter watcher
  • callback - A function to be called when a matching notification arrives. The function should accept one argument:
notificationName - A string containing the name of the notification
  • name - An optional string containing the name of notifications to watch for. A value of nil will cause all notifications to be watched on macOS versions earlier than Catalina. Defaults to nil.
  • object - An optional string containing the name of sending objects to watch for. A value of nil will cause all sending objects to be watched. Defaults to nil.
  • Returns
    • An hs.distributednotifications object
    Examples None
    Source extensions/distributednotifications/libdistributednotifications.m line 40

    # Methods

    # start

    Signature hs.distributednotifications:start() -> object
    Type Method
    Description Starts a NSDistributedNotificationCenter watcher
    • None
    • The hs.distributednotifications object
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source extensions/distributednotifications/libdistributednotifications.m line 119

    # stop

    Signature hs.distributednotifications:stop() -> object
    Type Method
    Description Stops a NSDistributedNotificationCenter watcher
    • None
    • The hs.distributednotifications object
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source extensions/distributednotifications/libdistributednotifications.m line 142