# hs.httpserver

Simple HTTP server


  • Running an HTTP server is potentially dangerous, you should seriously consider the security implications of exposing your Hammerspoon instance to a network - especially to the Internet
  • As a user of Hammerspoon, you are assumed to be highly capable, and aware of the security issues

# Submodules

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • getInterface
  • getName
  • getPort
  • maxBodySize
  • send
  • setCallback
  • setInterface
  • setName
  • setPassword
  • setPort
  • start
  • stop
  • websocket

# API Documentation

# Functions

# new

Signature hs.httpserver.new([ssl], [bonjour]) -> object
Type Function
Description Creates a new HTTP or HTTPS server
  • ssl - An optional boolean. If true, the server will start using HTTPS. Defaults to false.
  • bonjour - An optional boolean. If true, the server will advertise itself with Bonjour. Defaults to true. Note that in order to change this, you must supply a true or false value for the ssl argument.
  • An hs.httpserver object
  • By default, the server will start on a random TCP port and advertise itself with Bonjour. You can check the port with hs.httpserver:getPort()
  • By default, the server will listen on all network interfaces. You can override this with hs.httpserver:setInterface() before starting the server
  • Currently, in HTTPS mode, the server will use a self-signed certificate, which most browsers will warn about. If you want/need to be able to use hs.httpserver with a certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority, please file an bug on Hammerspoon requesting support for this.
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 374

# Methods

# getInterface

Signature hs.httpserver:getInterface() -> string or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the network interface the server is configured to listen on
  • None
  • A string containing the network interface name, or nil if the server will listen on all interfaces
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 647

# getName

Signature hs.httpserver:getName() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the Bonjour name the server is configured to advertise itself as
  • None
  • A string containing the Bonjour name of this server
  • This is not the hostname of the server, just its name in Bonjour service lists (e.g. Safari's Bonjour bookmarks menu)
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 689

# getPort

Signature hs.httpserver:getPort() -> number
Type Method
Description Gets the TCP port the server is configured to listen on
  • None
  • A number containing the TCP port
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 616

# maxBodySize

Signature hs.httpserver:maxBodySize([size]) -> object | current-value
Type Method
Description Get or set the maximum allowed body size for an incoming HTTP request.
  • size - An optional integer value specifying the maximum body size allowed for an incoming HTTP request in bytes. Defaults to 10485760 (10 MB).
  • If a new size is specified, returns the hs.httpserver object; otherwise the current value.
  • Because the Hammerspoon http server processes incoming requests completely in memory, this method puts a limit on the maximum size for a POST or PUT request.
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 513

# send

Signature hs.httpserver:send(message) -> object
Type Method
Description Sends a message to the websocket client
  • message - A string containing the message to send
  • The hs.httpserver object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 446

# setCallback

Signature hs.httpserver:setCallback([callback]) -> object
Type Method
Description Sets the request handling callback for an HTTP server object
  • callback - An optional function that will be called to process each incoming HTTP request, or nil to remove an existing callback. See the notes section below for more information about this callback
  • The hs.httpserver object
  • The callback will be passed four arguments:
  • A string containing the type of request (i.e. GET/POST/DELETE/etc)
  • A string containing the path element of the request (e.g. /index.html)
  • A table containing the request headers
  • A string containing the raw contents of the request body, or the empty string if no body is included in the request.
  • The callback must return three values:
  • A string containing the body of the response
  • An integer containing the response code (e.g. 200 for a successful request)
  • A table containing additional HTTP headers to set (or an empty table, {}, if no extra headers are required)
  • A POST request, often used by HTML forms, will store the contents of the form in the body of the request.
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 466

# setInterface

Signature hs.httpserver:setInterface(interface) -> object
Type Method
Description Sets the network interface the server is configured to listen on
  • interface - A string containing an interface name
  • The hs.httpserver object
  • As well as real interface names (e.g. en0) the following values are valid:
  • An IP address of one of your interfaces
  • localhost
  • loopback
  • nil (which means all interfaces, and is the default)
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 662

# setName

Signature hs.httpserver:setName(name) -> object
Type Method
Description Sets the Bonjour name the server should advertise itself as
  • name - A string containing the Bonjour name for the server
  • The hs.httpserver object
  • This is not the hostname of the server, just its name in Bonjour service lists (e.g. Safari's Bonjour bookmarks menu)
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 707

# setPassword

Signature hs.httpserver:setPassword([password]) -> object
Type Method
Description Sets a password for an HTTP server object
  • password - An optional string that contains the server password, or nil to remove an existing password
  • The hs.httpserver object
  • It is not currently possible to set multiple passwords for different users, or passwords only on specific paths
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 539

# setPort

Signature hs.httpserver:setPort(port) -> object
Type Method
Description Sets the TCP port the server is configured to listen on
  • port - An integer containing a TCP port to listen on
  • The hs.httpserver object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 631

# start

Signature hs.httpserver:start() -> object
Type Method
Description Starts an HTTP server object
  • None
  • The hs.httpserver object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 573

# stop

Signature hs.httpserver:stop() -> object
Type Method
Description Stops an HTTP server object
  • None
  • The hs.httpserver object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 599

# websocket

Signature hs.httpserver:websocket(path, callback) -> object
Type Method
Description Enables a websocket endpoint on the HTTP server
  • path - A string containing the websocket path such as '/ws'
  • callback - A function returning a string for each received websocket message
  • The hs.httpserver object
  • The callback is passed one string parameter containing the received message
  • The callback must return a string containing the response message
  • Given a path '/mysock' and a port of 8000, the websocket URL is as follows:
  • ws://localhost:8000/mysock
  • wss://localhost:8000/mysock (if SSL enabled)
Examples None
Source extensions/httpserver/libhttpserver.m line 415