# hs.keycodes

Convert between key-strings and key-codes. Also provides functionality for querying and changing keyboard layouts.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • map

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • currentLayout
  • currentLayoutIcon
  • currentMethod
  • currentSourceID
  • iconForLayoutOrMethod
  • inputSourceChanged
  • layouts
  • methods
  • setLayout
  • setMethod

# API Documentation

# Constants

# map

Signature hs.keycodes.map
Type Constant
Description A mapping from string representation of a key to its keycode, and vice versa.
  • For example: keycodes[1] == "s", and keycodes["s"] == 1, and so on.
  • This is primarily used by the hs.eventtap and hs.hotkey extensions.
  • Valid strings are any single-character string, or any of the following strings:
  • f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15,
  • f16, f17, f18, f19, f20, pad., pad*, pad+, pad/, pad-, pad=,
  • pad0, pad1, pad2, pad3, pad4, pad5, pad6, pad7, pad8, pad9,
  • padclear, padenter, return, tab, space, delete, escape, help,
  • home, pageup, forwarddelete, end, pagedown, left, right, down, up,
  • shift, rightshift, cmd, rightcmd, alt, rightalt, ctrl, rightctrl,
  • capslock, fn
Source extensions/keycodes/keycodes.lua line 67

# Functions

# currentLayout

Signature hs.keycodes.currentLayout() -> string
Type Function
Description Gets the name of the current keyboard layout
  • None
  • A string containing the name of the current keyboard layout
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 370

# currentLayoutIcon

Signature hs.keycodes.currentLayoutIcon() -> hs.image object
Type Function
Description Gets the icon of the current keyboard layout
  • None
  • An hs.image object containing the icon, if available
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 387

# currentMethod

Signature hs.keycodes.currentMethod() -> string
Type Function
Description Get current input method
  • None
  • Name of current input method, or nil
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 472

# currentSourceID

Signature hs.keycodes.currentSourceID([sourceID]) -> string | boolean
Type Function
Description Get or set the source id for the keyboard input source
  • sourceID - an optional string specifying the input source to set for keyboard input
  • If no parameter is provided, returns a string containing the source id for the current keyboard layout or input method; if a parameter is provided, returns true or false specifying whether or not the input source was able to be changed.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 334

# iconForLayoutOrMethod

Signature hs.keycodes.iconForLayoutOrMethod(sourceName) -> hs.image object
Type Function
Description Gets an hs.image object for a given keyboard layout or input method
  • sourceName - A string containing the name of an input method or keyboard layout
  • An hs.image object, or nil if no image could be found
  • Not all layouts/methods have icons, so you should assume this will return nil at some point
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 566

# inputSourceChanged

Signature hs.keycodes.inputSourceChanged(fn)
Type Function
Description Sets the function to be called when your input source (i.e. qwerty, dvorak, colemac) changes.
  • fn - A function that will be called when the input source changes. No arguments are supplied to the function.
  • None
  • This may be helpful for rebinding your hotkeys to appropriate keys in the new layout
  • Setting this will un-set functions previously registered by this function.
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/keycodes.lua line 87

# layouts

Signature hs.keycodes.layouts([sourceID]) -> table
Type Function
Description Gets all of the enabled keyboard layouts that the keyboard input source can be switched to
  • sourceID - an optional boolean, default false, indicating whether the keyboard layout names should be returned (false) or their source IDs (true).
  • A table containing a list of keyboard layouts enabled in System Preferences
  • Only those layouts which can be explicitly switched to will be included in the table. Keyboard layouts which are part of input methods are not included. See hs.keycodes.methods.
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 404

# methods

Signature hs.keycodes.methods([sourceID]) -> table
Type Function
Description Gets all of the enabled input methods that the keyboard input source can be switched to
  • sourceID - an optional boolean, default false, indicating whether the keyboard input method names should be returned (false) or their source IDs (true).
  • A table containing a list of input methods enabled in System Preferences
  • Keyboard layouts which are not part of an input method are not included in this table. See hs.keycodes.layouts.
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 438

# setLayout

Signature hs.keycodes.setLayout(layoutName) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Changes the system keyboard layout
  • layoutName - A string containing the name of an enabled keyboard layout
  • A boolean, true if the layout was successfully changed, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 502

# setMethod

Signature hs.keycodes.setMethod(methodName) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Changes the system input method
  • methodName - A string containing the name of an enabled input method
  • A boolean, true if the method was successfully changed, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/keycodes/libkeycodes.m line 534