# hs.messages

Send messages via iMessage and SMS Relay (note, SMS Relay requires OS X 10.10 and an established SMS Relay pairing between your Mac and an iPhone running iOS8)

Note: This extension works by controlling the OS X "Messages" app via AppleScript, so you will need that app to be signed into an iMessage account

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • iMessage
  • SMS

# API Documentation

# Functions

# iMessage

Signature hs.messages.iMessage(targetAddress, message)
Type Function
Description Sends an iMessage
  • targetAddress - A string containing a phone number or email address registered with iMessage, to send the iMessage to
  • message - A string containing the message to send
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/messages/messages.lua line 18


Signature hs.messages.SMS(targetNumber, message)
Type Function
Description Sends an SMS using SMS Relay
  • targetNumber - A string containing a phone number to send an SMS to
  • message - A string containing the message to send
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/messages/messages.lua line 32