# hs.mjomatic

tmuxomatic-like window management

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • go

# API Documentation

# Functions

# go

Signature hs.mjomatic.go(cfg)
Type Function
Description Applies a configuration to the currently open windows
  • cfg - A table containing a series of strings, representing the desired window layout
  • None
  • An example use:
  • lua
  • mjomatic.go({
  • "CCCCCCCCCCCCCiiiiiiiiiii # <-- The windowgram, it defines the shapes and positions of windows",
  • "CCCCCCCCCCCCCiiiiiiiiiii",
  • "SSSSSSSSSSSSSiiiiiiiiiii",
  • "",
  • "C Google Chrome # <-- window C has application():title() 'Google Chrome'",
  • "i iTerm",
  • "Y YoruFukurou",
  • "S Sublime Text 2"})
Examples None
Source extensions/mjomatic/mjomatic.lua line 40