# hs.network.configuration

This sub-module provides access to the current location set configuration settings in the system's dynamic store.

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • open

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • computerName
  • consoleUser
  • contents
  • dhcpInfo
  • hostname
  • keys
  • location
  • locations
  • monitorKeys
  • proxies
  • setCallback
  • setLocation
  • start
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# open

Signature hs.network.configuration.open() -> storeObject
Type Constructor
Description Opens a session to the dynamic store maintained by the System Configuration server.
  • None
  • the storeObject
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 48

# Methods

# computerName

Signature hs.network.configuration:computerName() -> name, encoding
Type Method
Description Returns the name of the computer as specified in the Sharing Preferences, and its string encoding
  • None
  • name - the computer name
  • encoding - the encoding type
  • You can also retrieve this information as key-value pairs with hs.network.configuration:contents("Setup:/System")
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 194

# consoleUser

Signature hs.network.configuration:consoleUser() -> name, uid, gid
Type Method
Description Returns the name of the user currently logged into the system, including the users id and primary group id
  • None
  • name - the user name
  • uid - the user ID for the user
  • gid - the user's primary group ID
  • You can also retrieve this information as key-value pairs with hs.network.configuration:contents("State:/Users/ConsoleUser")
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 245

# contents

Signature hs.network.configuration:contents([keys], [pattern]) -> table
Type Method
Description Return the contents of the store for the specified keys or keys matching the specified pattern(s)
  • keys - a string or table of strings containing the keys or patterns of keys, if pattern is true. Defaults to all keys.
  • pattern - a boolean indicating wether or not the string(s) provided are to be considered regular expression patterns (true) or literal strings to match (false). Defaults to false.
  • a table of key-value pairs from the dynamic store which match the specified keys or key patterns.
  • if no parameters are provided, then all key-value pairs in the dynamic store are returned.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 86

# dhcpInfo

Signature hs.network.configuration:dhcpInfo([serviceID]) -> table
Type Method
Description Return the DHCP information for the specified service or the primary service if no parameter is specified.
  • serviceID - an optional string containing the service ID of the interface for which to return DHCP info. If this parameter is not provided, then the default (primary) service is queried.
  • a table containing DHCP information including lease time and DHCP options
  • a list of possible Service ID's can be retrieved with hs.network.configuration:contents("Setup:/Network/Global/IPv4")
  • generates an error if the service ID is invalid or was not assigned an IP address via DHCP.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 161

# hostname

Signature hs.network.configuration:hostname() -> name
Type Method
Description Returns the current local host name for the computer
  • None
  • name - the local host name
  • You can also retrieve this information as key-value pairs with hs.network.configuration:contents("Setup:/System")
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 278

# keys

Signature hs.network.configuration:keys([keypattern]) -> table
Type Method
Description Return the keys in the dynamic store which match the specified pattern
  • keypattern - a regular expression specifying which keys to return (defaults to ".*", or all keys)
  • a table of keys from the dynamic store.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 136

# location

Signature hs.network.configuration:location() -> location
Type Method
Description Returns the current location identifier
  • None
  • location - the UUID for the currently active network location
  • You can also retrieve this information as key-value pairs with hs.network.configuration:contents("Setup:")
  • If you have different locations defined in the Network preferences panel, this can be used to determine the currently active location.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 397

# locations

Signature hs.network.configuration:locations() -> table
Type Method
Description Returns all configured locations
  • None
  • a table of key-value pairs mapping location UUIDs to their names
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 425

# monitorKeys

Signature hs.network.configuration:monitorKeys([keys], [pattern]) -> storeObject
Type Method
Description Specify the key(s) or key pattern(s) to monitor for changes.
  • keys - a string or table of strings containing the keys or patterns of keys, if pattern is true. Defaults to all keys.
  • pattern - a boolean indicating wether or not the string(s) provided are to be considered regular expression patterns (true) or literal strings to match (false). Defaults to false.
  • the store Object
  • if no parameters are provided, then all key-value pairs in the dynamic store are monitored for changes.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 572

# proxies

Signature hs.network.configuration:proxies() -> table
Type Method
Description Returns information about the currently active proxies, if any
  • None
  • a table of key-value pairs describing the current proxies in effect, both globally, and scoped to specific interfaces.
  • You can also retrieve this information as key-value pairs with hs.network.configuration:contents("State:/Network/Global/Proxies")
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 461

# setCallback

Signature hs.network.configuration:setCallback(function) -> storeObject
Type Method
Description Set or remove the callback function for a store object
  • a function or nil to set or remove the store object callback function
  • the store object
  • The callback function will be invoked each time a monitored key changes value and the callback function should accept two parameters: the storeObject itself, and an array of the keys which contain values that have changed.
  • This method just sets the callback function. You specify which keys to watch with hs.network.configuration:monitorKeys and start or stop the watcher with hs.network.configuration:start or hs.network.configuration:stop
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 488

# setLocation

Signature hs.network.configuration:setLocation(location) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Switches to a new location
  • location - string containing name or UUID of new location
  • bool - true if the location was successfully changed, false if there was an error
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 316

# start

Signature hs.network.configuration:start() -> storeObject
Type Method
Description Starts watching the store object for changes to the monitored keys and invokes the callback function (if any) when a change occurs.
  • None
  • the store object
  • The callback function should be specified with hs.network.configuration:setCallback and the keys to monitor should be specified with hs.network.configuration:monitorKeys.
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 523

# stop

Signature hs.network.configuration:stop() -> storeObject
Type Method
Description Stops watching the store object for changes.
  • None
  • the store object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/network/libnetwork_configuration.m line 550