# hs.pasteboard.watcher

Watch for Pasteboard Changes. macOS doesn't offer any API for getting Pasteboard notifications, so this extension uses polling to check for Pasteboard changes at a chosen interval (defaults to 0.25).

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • interval

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • running
  • start
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Functions

# interval

Signature hs.pasteboard.watcher.interval([value]) -> number
Type Function
Description Gets or sets the polling interval (i.e. the frequency the pasteboard watcher checks the pasteboard).
  • value - an optional number to set the polling interval to.
  • The polling interval as a number.
  • This only affects new watchers, not existing/running ones.
  • The default value is 0.25.
Examples None
Source extensions/pasteboard/libpasteboard_watcher.m line 249

# Constructors

# new

Signature hs.pasteboard.watcher.new(callbackFn[, name]) -> pasteboardWatcher
Type Constructor
Description Creates and starts a new hs.pasteboard.watcher object for watching for Pasteboard changes.
  • callbackFn - A function that will be called when the Pasteboard contents has changed. It should accept one parameter:
A string containing the pasteboard contents or nil if the contents is not a valid string.
  • name - An optional string containing the name of the pasteboard. Defaults to the system pasteboard.
  • Returns
    • An hs.pasteboard.watcher object
    • Internally this extension uses a single NSTimer to check for changes to the pasteboard count every half a second.
    • Example usage:
    • lua</li><li> generalPBWatcher = hs.pasteboard.watcher.new(function(v) print(string.format("General Pasteboard Contents: %s", v)) end)</li><li> specialPBWatcher = hs.pasteboard.watcher.new(function(v) print(string.format("Special Pasteboard Contents: %s", v)) end, "special")</li><li> hs.pasteboard.writeObjects("This is on the general pasteboard.")</li><li> hs.pasteboard.writeObjects("This is on the special pasteboard.", "special")
    Examples None
    Source extensions/pasteboard/libpasteboard_watcher.m line 143

    # Methods

    # running

    Signature hs.pasteboard.watcher:running() -> boolean
    Type Method
    Description Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the Pasteboard Watcher is currently running.
    • None
    • A boolean value indicating whether or not the timer is currently running.
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source extensions/pasteboard/libpasteboard_watcher.m line 209

    # start

    Signature hs.pasteboard.watcher:start() -> timer
    Type Method
    Description Starts an hs.pasteboard.watcher object
    • None
    • The hs.pasteboard.watcher object
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source extensions/pasteboard/libpasteboard_watcher.m line 187

    # stop

    Signature hs.pasteboard.watcher:stop() -> timer
    Type Method
    Description Stops an hs.pasteboard.watcher object
    • None
    • The hs.pasteboard.watcher object
    Notes None
    Examples None
    Source extensions/pasteboard/libpasteboard_watcher.m line 228