# hs.timer.delayed

Specialized timer objects to coalesce processing of unpredictable asynchronous events into a single callback

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • nextTrigger
  • running
  • setDelay
  • start
  • stop

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# new

Signature hs.timer.delayed.new(delay, fn) -> hs.timer.delayed object
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new delayed timer
  • delay - number of seconds to wait for after a :start() invocation (the "callback countdown")
  • fn - a function to call after delay has fully elapsed without any further :start() invocations
  • a new hs.timer.delayed object
  • These timers are meant to be long-lived: once instantiated, there's no way to remove them from the run loop; create them once at the module level.
  • Delayed timers have specialized methods that behave differently from regular timers. When the :start() method is invoked, the timer will wait for delay seconds before calling fn(); this is referred to as the callback countdown. If :start() is invoked again before delay has elapsed, the countdown starts over again.
  • You can use a delayed timer to coalesce processing of unpredictable asynchronous events into a single callback; for example, if you have an event stream that happens in "bursts" of dozens of events at once, set an appropriate delay to wait for things to settle down, and then your callback will run just once.
Examples None
Source extensions/timer/timer.lua line 328

# Methods

# nextTrigger

Signature hs.timer.delayed:nextTrigger() -> number or nil
Type Method
Description Returns the time left in the callback countdown
  • None
  • if the callback countdown is running, returns the number of seconds until it triggers; otherwise returns nil
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/timer/timer.lua line 318

# running

Signature hs.timer.delayed:running() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Returns a boolean indicating whether the callback countdown is running
  • None
  • a boolean
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/timer/timer.lua line 295

# setDelay

Signature hs.timer.delayed:setDelay(delay) -> hs.timer.delayed object
Type Method
Description Changes the callback countdown duration
  • None
  • the delayed timer object
  • if the callback countdown is running, calling this method will restart it
Examples None
Source extensions/timer/timer.lua line 305

# start

Signature hs.timer.delayed:start([delay]) -> hs.timer.delayed object
Type Method
Description Starts or restarts the callback countdown
  • delay - (optional) if provided, sets the countdown duration to this number of seconds for this time only; subsequent calls to :start() will revert to the original delay (or to the delay set with :setDelay(delay))
  • the delayed timer object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/timer/timer.lua line 275

# stop

Signature hs.timer.delayed:stop() -> hs.timer.delayed object
Type Method
Description Cancels the callback countdown, if running; the callback will therefore not be triggered
  • None
  • the delayed timer object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/timer/timer.lua line 285