# hs.wifi.watcher

Watch for changes to the associated wifi network

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • eventTypes

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • start
  • stop
  • watchingFor

# API Documentation

# Constants

# eventTypes

Signature hs.wifi.watcher.eventTypes[]
Type Constant
Description A table containing the possible event types that this watcher can monitor for.
  • The following events are available for monitoring:
  • "SSIDChange" - monitor when the associated network for the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • "BSSIDChange" - monitor when the base station the Wi-Fi interface is connected to changes
  • "countryCodeChange" - monitor when the adopted country code of the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • "linkChange" - monitor when the link state for the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • "linkQualityChange" - monitor when the RSSI or transmit rate for the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • "modeChange" - monitor when the operating mode of the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • "powerChange" - monitor when the power state of the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • "scanCacheUpdated" - monitor when the scan cache of the Wi-Fi interface is updated with new information
Source extensions/wifi/libwifi_watcher.m line 364

# Constructors

# new

Signature hs.wifi.watcher.new(fn) -> watcher
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new watcher for WiFi network events
  • fn - A function that will be called when a WiFi event that is being monitored occurs. The function should expect 2 or 4 arguments as described in the notes below.
  • A hs.wifi.watcher object
  • For backwards compatibility, only "SSIDChange" is watched for by default, so existing code can continue to ignore the callback function arguments unless you add or change events with the hs.wifi.watcher:watchingFor.
  • The callback function should expect between 3 and 5 arguments, depending upon the events being watched. The possible arguments are as follows:
  • watcher, "SSIDChange", interface - occurs when the associated network for the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "SSIDChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • Use hs.wifi.currentNetwork([interface]) to identify the new network, which may be nil when you leave a network.
  • watcher, "BSSIDChange", interface - occurs when the base station the Wi-Fi interface is connected to changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "BSSIDChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • watcher, "countryCodeChange", interface - occurs when the adopted country code of the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "countryCodeChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • watcher, "linkChange", interface - occurs when the link state for the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "linkChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • watcher, "linkQualityChange", interface - occurs when the RSSI or transmit rate for the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "linkQualityChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • rssi - the RSSI value for the currently associated network on the Wi-Fi interface
  • rate - the transmit rate for the currently associated network on the Wi-Fi interface
  • watcher, "modeChange", interface - occurs when the operating mode of the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "modeChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • watcher, "powerChange", interface - occurs when the power state of the Wi-Fi interface changes
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "powerChange"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
  • watcher, "scanCacheUpdated", interface - occurs when the scan cache of the Wi-Fi interface is updated with new information
  • watcher - the watcher object itself
  • message - the message specifying the event, in this case "scanCacheUpdated"
  • interface - the name of the interface for which the event occurred
Examples None
Source extensions/wifi/libwifi_watcher.m line 215

# Methods

# start

Signature hs.wifi.watcher:start() -> watcher
Type Method
Description Starts the SSID watcher
  • None
  • The hs.wifi.watcher object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/wifi/libwifi_watcher.m line 282

# stop

Signature hs.wifi.watcher:stop() -> watcher
Type Method
Description Stops the SSID watcher
  • None
  • The hs.wifi.watcher object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/wifi/libwifi_watcher.m line 300

# watchingFor

Signature hs.wifi.watcher:watchingFor([messages]) -> watcher | current-value
Type Method
Description Get or set the specific types of wifi events to generate a callback for with this watcher.
  • messages - an optional table of or list of strings specifying the types of events this watcher should invoke a callback for. You can specify multiple types of events to watch for. Defaults to { "SSIDChange" }.
  • if a value is provided, returns the watcher object; otherwise returns the current values as a table of strings.
  • the possible values for this method are described in hs.wifi.watcher.eventTypes.
  • the special string "all" specifies that all event types should be watched for.
Examples None
Source extensions/wifi/libwifi_watcher.m line 318