This module provides provides a way of activating choices provided by action handlers. It also provide support for making a particular action a favourite, returning results based on popularity, and completely hiding particular actions, or categories of action.
Activators are accessed via the action manager like so:
local activator = actionManager.getActivator("foobar")
Any changes made to the settings of a finder (such as calling disableHandler
above) will
be preserved for future loads of the finder with the same ID. They are also local
to instances of this activator, so disabling "videoEffect" in the "foobar" activator
will not affect the "yadayada" activator.
API Overview
Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor
activeHandlers allowedHandlers configurable favoriteChoices hiddenChoices lastQueryRemembered lastQueryValue lastRows popularChoices query reducedTransparency searchSubText showHidden
Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor
activate activeChoices allChoices allowHandlers chooser disableAllHandlers disableHandler enableAllHandlers enableHandler enableHandlers favoriteChoice findChoice getActiveHandler getPopularity hide hideChoice id incPopularity isDisabledHandler isHiddenChoice isVisible onActivate preloadChoices refresh refreshChooser rightClickAction rightClickMain setBundleID show sortChoices toggle toolbarIcons unfavoriteChoice unhideChoice updateSelectedToolbarIcon