# plugins.core.action.manager

Action Manager Module.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • handlerIds
  • handlers

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • addHandler
  • getActivator
  • getHandler
  • getURL
  • init

# API Documentation

# Constants

# handlerIds

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.handlerIds <cp.prop: table of strings; read-only>
Type Constant
Description Returns a list of registered handler IDs.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 181

# handlers

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.handlers <cp.prop: table of handlers; read-only>
Type Constant
Description Provides access to the set of handlers registered with the manager. It
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 172

# Functions

# addHandler

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.addHandler(id, group, label) -> handler
Type Function
Description Adds a new action handler with the specified unique ID and returns it for further configuration.
  • id - The unique ID
  • group - The group the handler belongs to.
  • label - An optional label for the handler (over-riding a supplied i18n value)
  • The handler instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 134

# getActivator

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.getActivator(id) -> activator
Type Function
Description Returns an activator with the specified ID. If it doesn't exist, it will be created. Future calls to get the same ID, and it will return the same instance each time.
  • activatorId - The unique ID of the activator.
  • The activator with the specified ID.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 205

# getHandler

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.getHandler(id) -> handler
Type Function
Description Returns an existing handler with the specified ID.
  • id - The unique ID of the action handler.
  • The action handler, or nil
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 192

# getURL

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.getURL(handlerId, action) -> string
Type Function
Description Gets a URL based on the Handler ID & Action Table.
  • handlerId - The Handler ID
  • action The action table
  • A string
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 114

# init

Signature plugins.core.action.manager.init() -> none
Type Function
Description Initialises the module.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/action/manager/init.lua line 96