# plugins.core.tangent.manager

Tangent Control Surface Manager

This plugin allows CommandPost to communicate with Tangent's range of panels (Element, Virtual Element Apps, Wave, Ripple and any future panels).

Download the Tangent Developer Support Pack & Tangent Hub Installer for Mac here: http://www.tangentwave.co.uk/developer-support

# Submodules

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed


Variables - Configurable values

  • applicationNameToGroupID
  • customApplications
  • enabled
  • tangentHubInstalled
  • tangentMapperInstalled

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • applicationNames
  • getConnection
  • launchTangentMapper
  • newConnection
  • registerCustomApplication
  • removeCustomApplication
  • setupCustomApplications

# API Documentation

# Constants


Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.APPLICATION_NAME_SUFFIX -> string
Type Constant
Description A suffix applied to the end of Application Names as they appear in Tangent Mapper
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 41


Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS -> number
Type Constant
Description Maximum number of socket connections to Tangent Hub.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 56


Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.NUMBER_OF_FAVOURITES -> number
Type Constant
Description Maximum number of favourites.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 51


Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.USER_CONTROL_MAPS_FOLDER -> string
Type Constant
Description The full name for storing User Control Maps
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 46

# Variables

# applicationNameToGroupID

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.applicationNameToGroupID -> table
Type Variable
Description A table to translate an Application Name to a Group ID for the Search Console
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 71

# customApplications

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.customApplications <cp.prop: table>
Type Variable
Description Table of Custom Applications
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 61

# enabled

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.enabled <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Variable
Description Enable or disables the Tangent Manager.
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 104

# tangentHubInstalled

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.tangentHubInstalled <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Variable
Description Is Tangent Hub Installed?
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 76

# tangentMapperInstalled

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.tangentMapperInstalled <cp.prop: boolean>
Type Variable
Description Is Tangent Mapper Installed?
Notes None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 83

# Functions

# applicationNames

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.applicationNames() -> table
Type Function
Description Gets a table listing all the connections application names.
  • None
  • A table containing the names of all the registered connections.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 170

# getConnection

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.getConnection(applicationName) -> connection
Type Function
Description Gets a Tangent connection object.
  • applicationName - Your application name as a string
  • The connection object
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 157

# launchTangentMapper

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.launchTangentMapper() -> none
Type Function
Description Launches the Tangent Mapper.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 91

# newConnection

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.newConnection(applicationName, systemPath, userPath, task, pluginPath, addDefaultModes, setupFn, transportFn, groupID) -> connection
Type Function
Description Creates a new Tangent Connection
  • applicationName - The application name as a string. This is what appears in CommandPost Preferences.
  • systemPath - A string containing the absolute path of the directory that contains the Controls and Default Map XML files.
  • userPath - An optional string containing the absolute path of the directory that contains the User’s Default Map XML files.
  • task - An optional string containing the name of the task associated with the application.
  • pluginPath - A string containing the absolute path of the directory that contains the built-in Default Map XML files.
  • addDefaultModes - A boolean which indicates whether or not CommandPost should add any default modes.
  • setupFn - Setup function.
  • transportFn - Transport function.
  • groupID - The group ID used by the Search Console.
  • The connection object
  • Notes for the task parameter:
  • ** This is used to assist with automatic switching of panels when your application gains mouse focus on the GUI.
  • ** This parameter should only be required if the string passed in appStr does not match the Task name that the OS identifies as your application. Typically, this is only usually required for Plugins which run within a parent Host application. Under these circumstances it is the name of the Host Application’s Task which should be passed.
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 122

# registerCustomApplication

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.registerCustomApplication(applicationName, bundleExecutable) -> none
Type Function
Description Registers a new Custom Application
  • applicationName - The display name of the custom application
  • bundleExecutable - The bundle executable identifier of the custom application
  • A table where the application name is the key, and display name is the value.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 188

# removeCustomApplication

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.removeCustomApplication(applicationName) -> none
Type Function
Description Removes a Custom Application.
  • applicationName - The display name of the Custom Application to Remove.
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 212

# setupCustomApplications

Signature plugins.core.tangent.manager.setupCustomApplications() -> none
Type Function
Description Setup the Custom Applications.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/plugins/core/tangent/manager/init.lua line 243